Ah, moms. Givers of life. Wipers of noses. Kissers of boo-boos. Today is your day. Happy Mother’s Day! It’s your day to be pampered and praised with flowers, breakfast in bed, and most importantly … NO CLEANING ! Okay, so for some moms, that sort of thing might happen every day. Like the celebrity moms who have live-in nannies and chefs and housekeepers and stylists on call and personal assistants to keep all those appointments straight. But having all that help doesn’t make them any less of a mom than the moms who don’t have those things, so today we celebrate them, too. From Beyonce to Gisele, here are 15 celebrity moms we love! 15 Celebrity Moms We Love 1. Beyonce Beyonce is a doting mother to daughter Blue Ivy Carter. Adding the motherhood hat to her arsenal has been great for Queen Bey. And on the flip side of the Mother’s Day coin … here are some celebrity moms who might want to read a parenting manual. Just saying … 11 Terrible, Horrible No Good Very Bad Celebrity Mothers 1. Kate Gosselin Kate Gosselin has eight children. And we feel sorry for each and every one of them.
They are conditions that some past and present volunteers have described as downright deplorable. The Galveston County Animal Resource Center in Texas City is now under the microscope of investigators for animal cruelty allegations. Pictures taken by one volunteer show the facility filled with dirty cages and cramped dogs and cats. youtube Continue reading →