Tag Archives: deprive-himself

Ashton Kutcher With Some Young Fresh Pussy of the Day

I have a feeling Ashton Kutcher isn’t getting paid for this movie he is filming. He just read the script that has a sex scene with some young pussy and dude jumped on it…Like a man starved for a few days thrown into an all you can eat buffet….only food isn’t what Ashton is deprived of, nice young pussy is. After you backed yourself into a corner by marrying a bitch cuz you once jerked off to when she had a lesbian kiss with Whoopi in Ghost or cuz you thought Bruce Willis was so great and wanted a piece of something he had, cuz you didn’t worry about having to deal with her old, expired-milk, menopausal thick pussy juice…memories of slippery cunt become overwhelming…they take over your fucking life…they consume you… I guess the good news is that the life he chose for himself as an actor allows him to get a taste of undead pussy for a change and not get in trouble for it from his wife cuz it is just work….since if he was to deprive himself from young pussy fully, he’d probably get in trouble for other things…like schoolyard rape cuz there’s only so much senior pussy a man can take, even if that senior has spent millions sculpted herself into a fake tit, decent bodied senior who has probably got plastic surgery on her cunt to make it feel like a younger pussy but she can’t re-wire it to drip like a 20 year old faucet pussy.. Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Ashton Kutcher With Some Young Fresh Pussy of the Day

Britney Spears Looks Like She Smells Good of the Day

Watching Britney is like watching a homeless woman dig through the garbage looking for cans. Part of me is disgusted of the smell you think she gives off, while another part of me is sad her life has gone this route, because you know when she was a little girl she wasn’t dreaming about digging through the trash, and the main part of me find shit hot as fucking hell, cuz those gutter down on their luck girls are easy… I don’t know what’s going on here, but I think it’s safe to say no showers were involved or hurt in the making of these pictures…. Pics via Fame

Continued here:
Britney Spears Looks Like She Smells Good of the Day

Catholic Priest No Longer Celibate of the Day

Catholicism is a dated concept that just didn’t evolve with our times. We are a sexed up society and depriving people of sex just ends up in kids getting molested. So when I see a priest quit working for the church because he knows everything he learned in priest school was bullshit and that God will not turn on him for living a good life that includes banging chicks, kinda like when you see Doctors smoking, it makes me happy knowing that dude followed his biological needs, instead of deprive himself and leave him so charged up he takes a blowjob from an alterboy… I am not against faith, just faith that makes no sense, and this bitch named Faith who I met at a bar down the street who spat in my face when I asked to see her boobs….making bumping into her always annoying…I am just curious who in their right mind would give their lives to God to work for the church in this era, other than homeless people looking for a job, warm bed and food and closet case homosexuals….and I guess what I think doesn’t matter…but I do like seeing this move from Pristhood to the Clithood…you know from the confession booth to the bedroom and if he gets to keep his priest dress, some grown up Catholic private school girl with negative feelings towards the church will get to live out some serious fantasies, like the Catholic private school girl I once met who was so repressed she’d masturbate with a Virgin Mary statue in her mom’s room…for fucking serious….

See the original post here:
Catholic Priest No Longer Celibate of the Day