Tag Archives: despite-the-mad

Justin Bieber Offered $1 Million to Turn Penis Into Sex Toy

Justin Bieber has been made an offer that he very likely can easily refuse. A few weeks after a Justin Bieber naked photo took the Internet by storm, with most oglers impressed by what they had ogled, a sex toy company called Clone-A-Willy has offered the artist $1 million to make a dildo in the shape of his male unit. “Justin Bieber, he’s popular, talented and now as the entire world knows … quite well-endowed,” reads a letter from the company to Bieber’s agent. It goes on to explain why Bieber should totally do this: “You can only imagine … a huge billboard of Justin Bieber and Clone-A-Willy in West Hollywood. It would surely do wonders to help promote his new album and certainly wouldn’t hurt his dating life.” It is true that Bieber is coming (pun… intended!) out with a new album titled ” Purpose ” on November 13. But we somehow doubt he needs any help in boosting its sales, especially help of this variety. We also don’t think Justin Bieber needs a lot of assistance with his dating life, considering The New York Daily News violated his privacy by snapping this dick pic while Justin was on vacation in Bora Bora. On vacation in Bora Bora with supermodel Jayde Pierce , that is. The guy is doing alright for himself. Despite the mad props he’s been given (below), Bieber says he felt super violated by the nude photo snapping, while also alleging some shrinkage had affected his genitalia. So we also can’t imagine Justin wants his penis to be carved into a dildo or vibrator, therefore reminding him of the incident every time a woman pleasures herself. But, hey, you never know. Bieber is yet to respond to the offer and he could donate the $1 million to charity or something. That would be the opposite of a dick move. (We’ll be here all night, folks!) View Slideshow: Justin Bieber Naked: Twitter Reacts!

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Justin Bieber Offered $1 Million to Turn Penis Into Sex Toy