Tag Archives: deviated-septum

Kim Kardashian Meets Her Doppleganger; Can You Tell Them Apart?

Those who tune in to watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online or on their television sets this summer may think they are seeing double. Because Kylie Jenner looks exactly like Kim Kardashian these days? Actually… no. Because Kim Kardashian met up with a very special individual to film at least one scene for an upcoming episode of the E! reality series. Are you familiar with Kamilla Osman? This young woman has nearly 250,000 Instagram followers because she has dedicated her sad life to resembling Ray J’s former sex tape partner as closely as possible. And it has apparently paid off for Osman because she recently spent time with Kardashian. “Look who I ran into the other day – @kimkardashian,” Kamilla wrote as a caption to the above photo, adding: “We can’t wait for you guys to see our episode of #KUWK and see what we were up to xo Kim is such a sweet person and so so gorgeous, my god!” Earlier this year, Osman told Entertainment Tonight that she her Kim Kardashian doppleganger status isn’t exactly an accident. “The only thing I did was my nose and my lips – and the nose was for medical reasons,” Kamilla said of her plastic surgery history. “I had my nose done, which is rhinoplasty, for my health problems. I had a deviated septum so I couldn’t breathe. That was for that and they tweaked it a bit. You know, why not?” Why not indeed. Take a quick look at the picture above and it’s easy to get the pair mixed up. Can you even pick out Kim from Kamilla? View Slideshow: Kamilla Osman: Kim Kardashian Lookalike Stuns Instagram!

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Kim Kardashian Meets Her Doppleganger; Can You Tell Them Apart?