Tag Archives: dick-publicity

Alessandra Ambrosio at the VMAs of the Day

Here’s the only thing good that came out of the VMAs, other than a Kanye being a dick publicity stunt the news have fucking exhaust because he’s a broken down, rebel who is angry at the world cuz his mom died and she never lived to accept his homosexuality that even he hasn’t accepted, and the Twilight extended trailer for all you idiot Twilight fans, or even the Janet Jackson singing Michael Jackson before his dad ran their movie trailer for the film “Not our last attempt to exploit our dead son”, and it is Alessandra Ambrosio, I know a day late, but when I saw these pics I was like “Finally, a woman I have nothing bad to say about even after she had a kid” and that doesn’t happen often, so if anything we should all collectively masturbate to her and cum at the same time in some kind of new age fireworks show like we were Chinese and that isn’t gay unless some of us start doing it in the room together, which we won’t because we don’t have friends, we only have each other…. Pics via Bauer

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Alessandra Ambrosio at the VMAs of the Day