Tag Archives: dies-sometimes

PETA Protest Featuring Topless Chicks Bodypainted Like Lizards of the Day

I was talking about militant lesbians last night, about a better time when dykes were actually dykes. There were barely any of these college girls “experimenting” lipstick lesbians, or girls who were just trying to fit into that whole emo-bisexual trend. If you were a lesbian, you were angry, you hated dick and anything dick was attached to, you hated pollution and the greenhouse effect, you hated cruelty to animals and you did everything you could to fight it, like tying yourself to a tree, protesting outside office buildings and KFC, and joining shit like PETA where you’d get naked and show off you fat lesbian body that made you a lesbian in the first place because dudes never wanted to fuck you, making the whole thing a real dramatic experience that people had no choice but to remember because it was so traumatic.

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PETA Protest Featuring Topless Chicks Bodypainted Like Lizards of the Day

Coffin Maker Cofanifunebri has a Sexy Calendar of the Day

Here is some erotic morbid shit….a coffin company that decided to do some sexy calendar for industry people who I guess are in the coffin selling business, or for people in the coffin buying business, or who are just weird and think about death all the time. They took some creepy vampire, gothic approach, which I guess is in style now, because vampires are everywhere, and they are trying to cash in on the shit, but I like to think it’s for people like you who will die virgins and the only time a girl would get naked for for you will be when your ghost haunts a gym locker room or some shit, unless you get a job at the funeral home, where you get first dibs on the dead pussy that makes it’s way in because rumor has it that even hot pussy dies sometimes…. I wanted to take this post somewhere darker and scarier for halloween, but I fucked up, it happens.

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Coffin Maker Cofanifunebri has a Sexy Calendar of the Day