Tag Archives: directing-reins

Guess Which Piece of Crap Armond White Called a ‘Humanist Work of Art’?

NY Press critic Armond White and I have had our differences but not strictly due to his unfailing contrarian streak. The man who last week vilified the roundly beloved Toy Story 3 has this week managed to join the 8 percent of critics willing to stand behind Grown Ups — a film that hangs its hat on the attenuation of fart jokes, peeing in pools and 4-year-olds breastfeeding. But! It’s not that he doesn’t get it. The “humanist” joke is on you , dear reader — all the way down to the Mike Leigh and Jean Renoir comparisons. Seriously.

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Guess Which Piece of Crap Armond White Called a ‘Humanist Work of Art’?

Peter Jackson Still Waffling on The Hobbit

Is he or isn’t he? Peter Jackson has been notoriously wishy-washy on whether he’ll assume the directing reins of The Hobbit , and though he’s reportedly in negotiations , he’s now downplayed that report to Harry Knowles: “Nothing has really changed — I’ve always said that me directing was one option, and so that’s not really news. The studio are working out what that deal would look like, because how else do they know if it’s a viable option? But it’s honestly one of several different options — many irons are in the fire right now.” Brett Ratner, there’s still hope ! [ AICN ]

Originally posted here:
Peter Jackson Still Waffling on The Hobbit