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BOSSIP Exclusive: Rick Ross Baby Mama Demands Judge Order 50 Cent to Follow Their Deal To Pay Her $6 Million

50 Cent Agreed To Pay Lastonia Leviston $6 Million As Part Of His Bankruptcy She once sued him for leaking a sex tape of her, and Rick Ross’ baby mama has accused 50 Cent of screwing her over once again. Lastonia Leviston has headed back to federal court to demand the judge order the rapper to follow through on their deal to dismiss their sex tape lawsuit and to pay the $6 million he agreed to in his bankruptcy plan. Recently, the rapper saw a federal bankruptcy judge sign off on his proposed deal to pay back a substantial amount of his debt to the various creditors, which brought the case to a close. The repayment plan will pay out $17 million to his former business partners Sleek Audio and $6 million to Rick Ross’ baby mama after she scored a judgment against the rapper for leaking her sex tape online. Before the plan was OK’d, 50 Cent had attempted to continue on with his legal battle with Rick Ross’ baby mama. He believed the $7 million judgment was excessive and wanted to drag Rick Ross into the case. 50 Cent said that his archenemy should be found liable for a portion of the judgment due to him allegedly being to blame for the leak. He also said the emotional distress claim by Lastonia – which she was awarded $500,000 for in the jury decision – wasn’t legit and wanted it thrown out. It appeared all their issues were settle once the judge signed off on the repayment plan where he was to cough up $6 million to Lastonia. But now it looks like things didn’t go that smoothly, and Lastonia has asked the bankruptcy judge help her force the rapper to follow their deal and him pay her the millions. She explained in her court documents that the deal she signed with 50 states both parties are to dismiss the sex tape legal battle in New York Supreme Court following the execution of the agreement. However, she says that she has repeatedly sought the cooperation of 50 Cent to dismiss the New York suit but he refuses because he wants to pursue a claim against Rick Ross in that legal battle, in hopes the court will find him liable for a portion of the $7 million awarded to Lastonia. She is furious that the rapper won’t follow his end of the deal and says nowhere in their agreement did it state he could pursue claims against Ross. Lastonia is pleading with the judge to order 50 Cent to dismiss the New York sex tape case and to cough up the $6 million per his plan.

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BOSSIP Exclusive: Rick Ross Baby Mama Demands Judge Order 50 Cent to Follow Their Deal To Pay Her $6 Million