Tag Archives: disturbingly

Child’s Anti-Gay Song Lyrics Lead to Death Threats For Church Pastor, Members

Members of the Apostolic Truth Tabernacle Church in Greensburg, Ind., are getting more than they bargained for after posting a video online of a three-year-old congregation member proudly singing, “Ain’t no homos gonna make it to heaven.” The kid’s anti-gay church song references Romans 1:26-27 before the quote above. The church office has been getting harassing calls and the pastor has even received death threats at his home. Meetings have been moved to alternate places and security has been ratcheted up in response to the negative feedback. Kid Sings ‘Ain’t No Homos Gonna Make It To Heaven’ Pastor Jeff Sangl is extremely worried about his safety, and amid the backlash, he and his wife left for vacation without saying where they were going. Despite the threats, however, no one regrets the song. One church-goer said, “The people who are upset just don’t read the word of God. If we don’t teach the children the truth early they will never learn.” As for the thunderous applause after the disturbingly hate-filled song, another said, “Of course we applauded a child who is singing a song about God.”

Child’s Anti-Gay Song Lyrics Lead to Death Threats For Church Pastor, Members

Let James Franco Explain The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn To You

“For a film that claims to be sexually responsible, the Twilight movies are awfully dependent on teenage sex to attract viewers,” James Franco, actor/director/writer/student and now film critic, reveals in his write-up of Breaking Dawn – Part 1 in the Paris Review . “The actors prance about like pieces of meat, their disturbingly developed bodies on full display; Taylor Lautner’s rippling teenage chest is just a little better than the child beauty-pageant stars at the end of Little Miss Sunshine .” For Franco’s complete thoughts on Team Jacob vs. Team Edward and Bella’s nightmare pregnancy, click here . [ The Paris Review ]

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Let James Franco Explain The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn To You

Octomom on Fetish Footage: Just a Spoof!

We’ve already been scarred for life, but Nadya Suleman says her disturbingly hilarious fetish video was just a spoof of her adult film suitors. Mmmmkay. The Octomom fetish video even weirded her out, she claims. Nadya tells TMZ she was “grossed out” when she first saw the footage … and insists, dubiously, that the thing was meant as a “spoof” of Vivid & Co. Sure … TMI Octomom Interview Octomom dropped another sexual bombshell yesterday too – despite all the activity in that vagina, she hasn’t slept with a man in more than a decade. Who has 14 kids and no sex over an 11-year span? Then again, who rejects a porn company’s generous offers of financial aid, then whips a grown-ass man dressed as a baby in a fetish video for kicks? Long story short, there’s only one Nadya Suleman , for better or worse.

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Octomom on Fetish Footage: Just a Spoof!

Lawyer: Delonte West Not Putting it to LeBron’s Mom

LeBron James’ attorney has fired off a cease and desist email in response to the disturbingly rumor that LeBron’s teammate Delonte West is nailing his mom . The email to terezowens.com – the sports blog that first reported on Friday that LeBron’s mother Gloria was allegedly sleeping with Delonte – was rather curt. In it, Frederick Nance, attorney for LeBron and Gloria James, says the West rumor is ” categorically false and per se defamatory.” Eh, probably a little of both. Nance adds, “No thinking person could possibly believe such rubbish.” The report, which also spread as a viral email, was supposed to explain the Cleveland Cavaliers’ sorry Eastern Conference Semifinal loss to the Boston Celtics. The theory went like this: LeBron found out about Delonte West putting it to his mom before Game 4. LeBron was despondent and the Cavs lost Games 4-6. Rumors of a Gloria James-Delonte West affair surfaced after Cleveland’s elimination from the NBA playoffs. But is there anything to this other than salacious gossip? Interestingly, terezowens responded to TMZ regarding the email from Team LeBron: “We think it’s a little fishy that they waited almost 4 days to fire this off.” They say they stand by their source, and they’re consulting with their own lawyers. The LeBron-Gloria-Delonte story is still up on their site … at least for now.

See original here:
Lawyer: Delonte West Not Putting it to LeBron’s Mom