Tag Archives: division-used

Yet Another Reason to Go See Breaking Dawn…

Breaking Dawn opens on November 18. And in case the abs of Taylor Lautner, the smile of Robert Pattinson and that creepy baby kicking inside the womb of Kristen Stewart are not reasons enough to start lining up for opening night right at this very moment, The CW is here to help. Over the first two weeks of this film’s release, movie goers will be treated to a special trailer for The Vampire Diaries and The Secret Circle , both of which return with new episodes on January 5. Peep the preview now and remember: Come for a bite. Stay for dessert. The CW Thursday Night Trailer

See the original post here:
Yet Another Reason to Go See Breaking Dawn…

Military Police Practice Tactical Porta-Potty Maneuver

You never know where a terrorist threat may be nowadays. If there is ever a potentially catastrophic matter of national security involving a portable toilet, rest assured, the United States Armed Forces will have it covered. In a hilarious video posted online, the 114th MP division used some downtime to demonstrate how to properly clear a porta-potty … with a 12-person unit. Watch America’s finest in action below. CLEAR! Military Police Clear the Porta-John

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Military Police Practice Tactical Porta-Potty Maneuver