Tag Archives: does-the-body

Demi Lovato – Thick Neck – Tight Clothes of the Day

Demi Lovato is sturdy, no wonder she’s dabbled in lesbianism, you know because she’s built like one. That Mayan neck is straight from the slums of Yucatan Penisula corn tortilla factory, and those arms and shoulders look like they could both move appliances, and rip off dicks in her bi-polar melt downs you know she has…because she’s bi-polar for convenience, it justified her drug addiction and rehab stint when she was coming of age after the Disney whored by her parents….and her level of rich spoiled entitled brat… As I look at her legs rubbing together, those cankles and shoulders, I understand why she does the body positive angling….it gives her room to breathe, be lazy and excuses…like her bi polar disorder….something to fall back on. I have never found her hot…she’s too much like a dude…but people like her…and that’s it. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Demi Lovato – Thick Neck – Tight Clothes of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Demi Lovato – Thick Neck – Tight Clothes of the Day

New Olivia Munn Nude Pics Hit the Web…But Just Wait ‘Til You Read Those Captions [PICS]

And eagle-eyed observers will note that her surroundings look very similar to the first set of nude photos of Olivia Munn that leaked over the weekend…as does the body on display. Whether or not the masochistic captions on several of these photos are the work of Ms. Munn herself or a clever hacker (the font is the same as what Olivia sometimes uses to caption her TwitPics ) remains a sexy, sexy, mystery. You’ll be the one leaking when you see NEW leaked pics of Olivia Munn after the jump!

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New Olivia Munn Nude Pics Hit the Web…But Just Wait ‘Til You Read Those Captions [PICS]

Affirmation: “I Change The World Around Me By Changing Myself”

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Affirmation For Today : “I change the world around me by changing myself” An affirmation is a great way to start training your mind toward a positive way of thinking.  Coupled with other positive thinking exercises, a positive affirmation will help you overcome any obstacle that is put in front of you.  The object of these positive thinking exercises is to ensure that you train the most powerful muscle in your body: your brain. Here is your affirmation for today which can help keep your day in alignment with your desire to change the world around you by changing yourself. Affirmation For Today : “I change the world around me by changing myself” Write the affirmation down and / or program an alert in your phone /computer to repeat throughout the day for inspiration to your brain. Affirmation For Today : “I change the world around me by changing myself” Minute Meditation: Prayer To Accept Change Affirmation For Today : “I change the world around me by changing myself” 10 Steps To Prepare To Spring Into Action Affirmation For Today : “I change the world around me by changing myself” 6 Tips To Honor The Earth Everyday! Tupac Shooter Confesses To 1994 Crime Shaq Involved In Sex Tape Scandal! FACT OF THE DAY: Faith Evans Sang Back Up For Al B Sure! Related Articles 8 Steps To Loving You 10 Tips To Create New Family Habits For A Fresh Start Russell Simmons’ Book: “Super Rich”

Affirmation: “I Change The World Around Me By Changing Myself”

Does Money Really Make You Look Better?

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I used to not believe the old saying that “money makes you look better.” But lately I’ve been reflecting back on what some of our favorite celebs used to look like opposed to what they look like now and I’m starting to really agree with that phrase. When you look at old celebs like Jamie Foxx back when he had the juicy curl and the country gap, Ne-yo with the alfalfa part in his zesty high school Glamour shot pictures and lil John where I honestly can’t decipher if he looks better then or now. Other celebs that seemed to had looked after before they “got back to the money” are Drake, Kanye West, Lebron James, Ice Cube and many many more. One thing is for certain, these celebs upgraded like all hell when they got a little money though. It seems as though however, with all the expensive clothing, bling-bling, personal trainers, veneer, spa treatments and whatever else it takes to make these stars look like they do now they have made somewhat of a come-up in the looks department. I will give them the benefit of the doubt and say that money isn’t the only answer to these celebrity come-ups though, they do say age does the body good so that could also be the reason. I’m not hating nor complaining though, I’d probably look like a million bucks too if I had it! Check out these celeb photos in the gallery below and let me know if you think, does money really make you look better? Get Fit While Saving Money On Your Commute No-Money Decorating Tips For Your Living Room Are You Enabling Your Loved Ones Bad Financial Decisions?

Does Money Really Make You Look Better?

‘Vampire Diaries’ Chick Sucks Up the Sun

Filed under: Nina Dobrev All that time spent simultaneously dating and eluding bloodsuckers on ” Vampire Diaries ” has made