Tag Archives: doing-the-zoom

Gwyneth Paltrow See Through of the Day

Apparently this is Gwyneth Paltrow in a see through outfit, I have never had any interest in seeing Gwyneth Paltrow in see through anything, I am pretty sure that I’ve seen at least one of her nude pictures, and it was uneventful…and back when she was in her 20s…an era where all these dudes who I just assumed were gay would date her like she was something special. I’ve always found her a lie, nepotism created, uninteresting…and entitled…and that alone prevents me from doing the zoom in to possibly see her old lady mom nipple…but she obviously has fans, people like her, and since I am accommodating…this is as deep as I’ll go into this…while being annoyed that I’ve gone this far into this…when really I should be doing more important things in life…like sexting…in real life…with girls…because going up to random girls and saying “send nudes”….is a social experiment that should be a viral video…but instead is something I do just for myself…because I think some things should be sacred…Gwyneth Paltrow is not one of those things…I mean…unless being sacred means being sacrificed…which would be ideal….rid the world of one more parasite…or try to find her nipple.. The post Gwyneth Paltrow See Through of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Gwyneth Paltrow See Through of the Day