Tag Archives: donaldson

Instagram Model Kendall Jenner With Supermodels Joan Smalls And Lily Donaldson

Don’t get me wrong, I love Kendall Jenner just as much as the next pervert with Internet access, but I’m sorry, I just don’t see how you can put her in the same conversation as real supermodels like Joan Smalls and Lily Donaldson here. For starters, I’m pretty sure the Victoria’s Secret hotties had to earn their supermodel status, instead of having it bought for them by their parents, and second, they do a ton more sexy lingerie shoots. In other words, Kendall’s got a lot of catching up to do… » view all 11 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Instagram Model Kendall Jenner With Supermodels Joan Smalls And Lily Donaldson

Lily Donaldson for The Telegraph Bikini Shoot of the Day

Lily Donaldson is going through a mid life crisis…at least that is what I assume is going on with this 30 year old model who didn’t maximize her career when she was at her peak, she took it for granted, and I guess things are just slowing down for her and it’s time to call on her friends to get her press… Because Lily Donaldson, a British model who was a Victoria’s Secret contract worker that they pushed under the rug and forgot about in 2012, as they do…because these girls are replaceable, especailly the uneventful ones…. Maybe she’s just looking for a rich husband, and the 2012 VS girl isn’t good enough for the billionaires, they want to marry something current.. Either way, she’s in a standardized bikini shoot, that bores me, but that is a half naked model for you…because I prefer girls naked, on my floor, doing iphone shoots…. The post Lily Donaldson for The Telegraph Bikini Shoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lily Donaldson for The Telegraph Bikini Shoot of the Day

Heidi Montag Will Put You To Sleep

Just when I thought Heidi Montag was finally turning things around and extending her 15 minutes of fame 30-45 seconds at a time , here she is out in LA and I don’t know about you guys, but I’m drooling on my keyboard. And not in a good way either. She’s looking so boring, I’m practically falling asleep over here. Where’s the hot nobody I used to know and love? I blame that loser husband of hers. » view all 12 photos Photos: WENN.com

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Heidi Montag Will Put You To Sleep

Tami Donaldson Is The Most Amazing Thing Ever!

I don’t normally say this, but I think I’m in love with Tami Donaldson after this ’80s workout inspired spread she did for Arsenic Magazine . OK, fine, so maybe I say that a lot, but I actually mean it this time! Because seeing the actress, model and former Price is Right “Barker’s Beauty” looking super fit and doing some deep stretches has got me feeling things I’ve never felt before. Hell, I’d even be willing to go for a jog with a hottie this amazing. …What’s happening to me? » view all 11 photos

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Tami Donaldson Is The Most Amazing Thing Ever!

Lily Donaldson And Her Sweet Boobage

Just yesterday, I was talking about how much I loved Lily Donaldson and her tasty coconuts , and then she goes and shows them off at the Paper Towns premiere in New York, right on cue. So now I’m wondering if the same thing will happen if I write about how much I love the British hottie’s booty… Hey, I figure it’s worth a shot, right? Cross your fingers. Photos: WENN.com

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Lily Donaldson And Her Sweet Boobage

Lily Donaldson Is Amazing

I try to keep up on all the latest hot model news, but I didn’t realize Lily Donaldson was a Victoria’s Secret Angel until I just looked her up. After seeing this latest photoshoot of hers though, I definitely get it. Lily’s even able to make these stupid fur hats she’s wearing look insanely hot. Now that’s real talent.

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Lily Donaldson Is Amazing