It was only a matter of time before Sex and the City 2 hit France in a sort of perfect storm of privilege, and now this: Warner Bros. reportedly recruited a dozen French authors to speak at a Parisian café as part of a promotional event, but the company to which WB outsourced the promo “didn’t mention the authors in media alerts, stuck them in a small, dark, back room, and didn’t provide a microphone or turn down the music during the talk and, worse, said nothing when the café made the writers pay for drinks.” Sacre bleu! When even the French are going to war with you, that is trouble. [ NYP ]

The rest is here:
SATC 2 Backlash Hits France
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Hot Stuff, News
Tagged awards, down-the-music, during-the-talk, even-the-french, films, Hollywood, media-alerts, Music, newswire, perfect-storm, promo, Sex, sex and the city 2, writers