Tag Archives: drake-orange

Amber Rose Wants Trump To Get In Trouble, Plus Date Night Pics With Val!

Amber Rose Speaks Out Against Donald Trump We love how vocal Amber Rose has been about important issues like women’s rights and victim blaming and she is now weighing in about the Donald Trump scandal, where numerous women have stepped forward accusing him of groping them, comments supported by a recording of him suggesting men grab women by their genitals … In an interview with Yahoo! Amber reveals she’s lost count of the times powerful men have gotten handsy with her: “I want him to get in trouble for it because I cannot even count how many times a famous guy touched me inappropriately. Seriously,” Rose admits. “Imagine this: Donald Trump comes and touches me inappropriately, right? I’m a regular a$$ girl. Do I call 911? Do I get on Twitter and tweet about it? How should I go about letting people know that this guy did it to me and who’s actually going to believe me, you know what I’m saying?” We agree that Trump should definitely be in trouble. As for Amber’s personal experience with famous groping, we want her to name names! One guy who is likely not on the list of offenders is Amber’s new boo Val Chmerkovskiy . Hit the flip to see photos from their date at Delilah Wednesday. AKM-GSI

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Amber Rose Wants Trump To Get In Trouble, Plus Date Night Pics With Val!

October’s Very Own: Halloween In Hollyweird, Peep Drake’s Dad And More “Celeb” Costumes

Costumes From Boots Bellows, Kate Hudson And Bette Middler’s Halloween Parties We haven’t seen any photos of Drake in a Halloween costume so far — but this pumpkin colored Esprit sweatsuit is pretty festive don’t you think? His dad definitely got in the spirit though, donning a drum major uniform for a party at Bootsy Bellows along with his little bee bae. You like? Kate Hudson threw a party at the crib, while Bette Midler threw an event at the Waldorf Astoria in NYC. Hit the flip for the photos of Kelsey Grammar, Leonardo DiCaprio, DeAndre Jordan, Sacha Baron Cohen, Isla Fisher, Emma Roberts, Evan Peters, Jessica Alba and more in costume. AKM-GSI/SplashNews

Excerpt from:
October’s Very Own: Halloween In Hollyweird, Peep Drake’s Dad And More “Celeb” Costumes