Tag Archives: dumpier-granny

Sailor Brinkley Still at It of the Day

Sailor Brinkley still out here in a bikini because her mother is a Bikini model who understands that the bikini is the foundation of life, it is the meaning of life, at least for her….because it allowed her to fuck Billy Joel…make some ugly troll of a daughter…allowing her to get more and more mainstream….before finding some other rich guy to fill her uterus…all while getting paid to be in a bikini cuz she’s a model…which is a great excuse for a sugar baby, you know they can pretend they are earners and their sugar daddy’s feel like thy aren’t fully with a Sex Worker… The only issue with Sailor Brinkley is that she’s not all that interesting to look out, cuz these rich dudes use model pussy to improve their genetics…while their mom dumbs down her genetics making an inferior looking creature…so here she is living a life not as hot as her 70 year old mom…must be a weird dynamic. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Sailor Brinkley Still at It of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Sailor Brinkley Still at It of the Day

Pamela Anderson Pussy Grab of the Day

Pamela Anderson doing some Dancing of the Stars shit getting her pussy grabbed…the Playboy to Baywatch dream lives on all these years later…the 60 year old with the 5 year old tits that are likely her 10th model of tits still doing it…and for someone who used to jack off to her in the 90s…it’s weird to see and older and dumpier granny version of something that spilled so much sperm on an international level to people masturbating ferociously to her…people who still probably jack off to old pics of her…because they don’t keep on top of things…and look at pics like this of her getting her pussy grabbed in a far less interesting way than her first sex tape with Tommy Lee…the one where she got Hepatitis….maybe this is some interpretive dance to honor the guy who found the cure to hep…or maybe this is some spiritual tribal Canadian ritual of rebirth now that her Hep is clear…I don’t have the answers but I like talking about her Hep…it makes her as dirty as we all know she was….and probably still is….Rock and Roll British Columbia pussy…fuck yeah. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Pamela Anderson Pussy Grab of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Pamela Anderson Pussy Grab of the Day