Tag Archives: dungeon-as-sex

Race Matters: “Black Twitter” Recognized As The Social Networking Site Hires Marketing Guru To Help Advertisers Market Products

They can’t deny the clout we carry around these e-streets Twitter Hires Marketing Vet To Help Advertisers Gain Access To Minorities Via Complex Maybe DJ Quik had it right in 1995 when he rapped: “If it don’t make dollars, it don’t make sense.” That could explain Twitter’s reluctance to acknowledge its most popular community, Black Twitter, until now. Yesterday it was announced that Twitter plans to capitalize on its racially diverse user base. According to a recent report by the Pew Research Center, black, Hispanic, and Asian-American users account for 41 percent of Twitter’s 54 million users. For some, this might seem like a revelation. For others, this is old news. Over the last seven years, as Twitter has become deeply embedded into our daily lives, Black Twitter, too, has grown into a cultural phenomenon of sorts. We first wrote about the social network’s subgroup in 2012, and have since covered the community time and again. From #PaulasBestDishes to #BlackBuzzFeed, Black Twitter has consistently provided an outlet to air grievances (the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman trial), analyze new shows (Scandal, Drake on SNL), and shoot the shit with friends. “Perhaps the most significant contribution of Black Twitter is that it increases visibility of black people online, and in doing so, dismantles the idea that white is standard and everything else is ‘other,’” wrote Soraya Nadia McDonald for the Washington Post. “It’s a radical demand for acceptance by simply existing—or sometimes dominating—in a space and being yourself, without apology or explanation.” That Twitter decided to hire marketing veteran Nuria Santamaria as its multicultural strategist to help better target black, Hispanic and Asian-American users may or may not be the solution to increasing engagement among non-white users. “Maybe Twitter doesn’t know how to talk about Black Twitter,” wondered Nitasha Tiku. They DEFINITELY don’t know how to talk about “Black Twitter” Regardless, Santamaria plans to target Twitter’s Hispanic population first. The Wall Street Journal reports: “Advertisers want to know more about racial and ethnic minorities on Twitter, from basic numbers to the languages in which they tweet … Twitter’s share of Hispanic users roughly parallels the U.S. online population, but it is a fast-growing, increasingly affluent ethnic group. Hispanics are also more easily identified because of their language. Twitter doesn’t ask users about race or ethnicity but categorizes them into ‘interests’ based on their tweets and whom they follow.” How do you feel about Twitter’s new business move? Will you be enraged if you start getting fried chicken, watermelon, and Jordan ads coming down your timeine?

Originally posted here:
Race Matters: “Black Twitter” Recognized As The Social Networking Site Hires Marketing Guru To Help Advertisers Market Products

Elsewhere In The World: China Executes Man Who Kept Multiple Women As Sex Slaves

China Executes Man Who Kept 6 Women As Sex Slaves A Chinese man who was found guilty of raping 6 women and having two of them killed while keeping them as sex slaves for up to nearly 2 years. via ABC News China executed a man on Tuesday who kept six women in a dungeon as sex slaves for periods of up to 21 months, during which he coerced three of them to kill two of their fellow captives, a court official said. One of the three was later sentenced to three years in prison for her part in the deaths. Executed Li Hao, 36, had dug a dungeon underneath a basement he bought in August 2009 and tricked women who worked at hair salons, karaoke bars and a massage parlor into going there with him, the official Xinhua News Agency reported. Li repeatedly raped the women, who were held there between two and 21 months, it said. Police said he wanted to make money by forcing the women into prostitution and appear in obscene webcasts. His dungeon in Luoyang city in central Henan province was finally discovered after one of the women escaped and went to police. China plays no games when it comes to scumbag criminals and punishment.

Read more from the original source:
Elsewhere In The World: China Executes Man Who Kept Multiple Women As Sex Slaves