It doesn’t sound like Heejun Han will be pulling an Erika Van Pelt. The season 11 finalist was eliminated from American Idol last night, but while Van Pelt has expressed disdain for the judges’ decision NOT to save her – saying in an interview that she feels shafted – Han spoke to reporters this morning and sounded at peace with the process. “It was way too early to use their card,” he said of the single veto permitted by the panel of three. “I’m pretty sure they’re saving it for some other people. It was fair and square.” Heejun Han – “A Song For You” Han also said that performing “My Life” was his favorite moment during the run, even if Steven Tyler wasn’t a fan of the comical rendition. “We had our different perspectives,” he said of his mini clash with the rocker. “I was trying to give a fun time to America because I thought it would be entertaining and fun. Maybe he took it wrong, but I can’t please everyone.” What does Han see next for himself? Randy Jackson joked he should star in his own sitcom, an idea Heejan is running with: “It should be an Asian guy who’s trying to go out with really pretty blonde girl. [Laughs.] Of course, I’m not going to be picky about anything. I really want to make something out of this.” And what advice does he have for future hopefuls? “It’s The Hunger Games , but it’s not killing each other. Why do you always have to be so serious when only one person is going to survive? You might as well have fun and have a thick skin and stay true to yourself.”
The rest is here:
Heejun Han on American Idol Elimination: Fair and Square!