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Just when people thought we were living in a post-racial climate, “N***agate” happens. There’s no possible way you don’t remember a Rihanna taking to Twitter to beast on a Dutch magazine for calling her a “n***a b***h.” Once the magazine received hella backlash, the editor-in-chief, Eva Hoeke , issued and apology and resigned from her position. Well, the publisher of the magazine, Yves Gijrath , decided to release his own statement. What it comes down to is the publisher is saying they didn’t print anything offensive because the article was meant as a joke. “[T]here is nothing wrong in the magazine,” he said. “[Hoeke] presented [the offensive article] as a joke, but it most certainly was not a joke. It was an interpretation [of a fashion style] … She should have said: ‘we did not realize this interpretation is such a touchy subject. We never meant any harm and offer our sincere and upright apologies.’” *blank stare* For real?! Spotted at Black Voices . RELATED POSTS: EIC Of Dutch Magazine Resigns After Calling Rihanna A “N***a B***h” Rihanna Was Cast In “Battleship” For Her “Urban Swagger” [VIDEO] Rihanna Booed In London For Being Too Raunchy!
Magazine Publisher: “There’s Nothing Wrong With Calling Rihanna A N***a B***h!”