Tag Archives: dvd special feature

We’re the Millers: Celebrity Nudity on DVD and Blu-ray 11.19.13 [PICS]

Nearly nude on Blu-ray this week, we’ve got Jennifer Aniston in We’re the Millers (2013). She plays a stripper that doesn’t strip, but the Blu-ray Special Features make up for that fact by revealing Jennifer’s canistons in a see-through bra! Paula Patton does much better while co-starring in 2 Guns (2013) and blasts Denzel Washington with her meat bullets just 16-minutes in. Nice double barrels! Kate Bosworth ’s topless scene in And While We Were Here (2103) is not as good as her nude work in Big Sur , but still worth a peek. Finally the third season of Treme has the full frontal of WWE Diva hardbody Taryn Terrell , Kim Dickens without her shirt, and more. See pics after the jump!

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We’re the Millers: Celebrity Nudity on DVD and Blu-ray 11.19.13 [PICS]

Kelly MacDonald Brave-ly Bares Beav

Definitely not nude in theaters, Kelly MacDonald lends her voice to the new Pixar flick Brave . But to see Kelly go Brave-ly full frontal, check her out in 1996’s Trainspotting . Kind of nude on Blu-ray, Jennifer Aniston keeps covered in Wanderlust , but comedienne Kerri Kenney and some nude extras mean it’s not a total Wander-bust. And unbelievably nude on blu-ray, Sarah Miles gets boffed by Kris Kristofferson in the ’70s real-sex shocker The Sailor Who Fell From Grace with the Sea.

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Kelly MacDonald Brave-ly Bares Beav