Tag Archives: easter horror

Doc Peeks Into Ingmar Bergman’s VHS Collection, Finds… Ghostbusters?

Legendary auteurs, they’re just like us! When iconic filmmaker Ingmar Bergman passed away in 2007, he left behind one of the greatest bodies of work known to cinema — and a vast, meticulously catalogued VHS collection, the subject of the upcoming Swedish documentary Bergman’s Video . Among his tapes, somewhere between the Bunuel and the Tarkovsky: Jurassic Park , Ghostbusters , and The Blues Brothers , which at least partially explains the ghosts and Jake/Elwood-esque sibling dynamic in Fanny and Alexander . The dinosaurs, not so much. [ Cineuropa via Movie City News ]

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Doc Peeks Into Ingmar Bergman’s VHS Collection, Finds… Ghostbusters?

Let’s Name Every Possible Easter-Themed Movie You Could Watch This Sunday

There’s a movie for every special occasion/holiday, but when it comes to Easter you’ve got a lot of very, very different viewing options. Why go the traditional bunnies and kiddies route (a la Hop ) or take a more pious tack ( Passion of the Christ , anyone?) when there are so many other, less predictable ways to celebrate? I’ll start with a few to whet your whistle as you dip into the chocolate basket this Sunday… Easter Parade (1948) Fred Astaire + Judy Garland + hats make Easter about winning that special guy/gal’s heart and not about, you know, Jesus. — Critters 2: The Main Course (1988) Those aren’t Easter Eggs — they’re Critter eggs! Hunt carefully. — Mallrats (1995) “You know what?? THERE IS NO EASTER BUNNY!” Thanks a lot, Kevin Smith. — Resurrection (1999) “All the victims were 33 years old — the same age as Christ when he died.” This forgotten gem stars Christopher Lambert — who also co-wrote the script! MAKE YOUR EASTER SUNDAY A HORROR EASTER SUNDAY! — Chocolat (2000) Because Easter –> chocolate –> Chocolat ! Mmm, chocolate. It’s what Easter’s all about, right? — Donnie Darko (2001) Make it a double feature with 1950’s Harvey (like the Aero’s doing this weekend in Los Angeles) and you’ll get enough freaky life-sized bunny action to last you until next year. Got any other suggestions? Leave ’em below.

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Let’s Name Every Possible Easter-Themed Movie You Could Watch This Sunday