Legendary auteurs, they’re just like us! When iconic filmmaker Ingmar Bergman passed away in 2007, he left behind one of the greatest bodies of work known to cinema — and a vast, meticulously catalogued VHS collection, the subject of the upcoming Swedish documentary Bergman’s Video . Among his tapes, somewhere between the Bunuel and the Tarkovsky: Jurassic Park , Ghostbusters , and The Blues Brothers , which at least partially explains the ghosts and Jake/Elwood-esque sibling dynamic in Fanny and Alexander . The dinosaurs, not so much. [ Cineuropa via Movie City News ]
There’s a movie for every special occasion/holiday, but when it comes to Easter you’ve got a lot of very, very different viewing options. Why go the traditional bunnies and kiddies route (a la Hop ) or take a more pious tack ( Passion of the Christ , anyone?) when there are so many other, less predictable ways to celebrate? I’ll start with a few to whet your whistle as you dip into the chocolate basket this Sunday… Easter Parade (1948) Fred Astaire + Judy Garland + hats make Easter about winning that special guy/gal’s heart and not about, you know, Jesus. — Critters 2: The Main Course (1988) Those aren’t Easter Eggs — they’re Critter eggs! Hunt carefully. — Mallrats (1995) “You know what?? THERE IS NO EASTER BUNNY!” Thanks a lot, Kevin Smith. — Resurrection (1999) “All the victims were 33 years old — the same age as Christ when he died.” This forgotten gem stars Christopher Lambert — who also co-wrote the script! MAKE YOUR EASTER SUNDAY A HORROR EASTER SUNDAY! — Chocolat (2000) Because Easter –> chocolate –> Chocolat ! Mmm, chocolate. It’s what Easter’s all about, right? — Donnie Darko (2001) Make it a double feature with 1950’s Harvey (like the Aero’s doing this weekend in Los Angeles) and you’ll get enough freaky life-sized bunny action to last you until next year. Got any other suggestions? Leave ’em below.