Tag Archives: eats-the-souls

Rihanna Performing of the Day

The I Heart Radio awards were last night….and apparently people actually cared enough to either watch it, or want to go to it, or even tun into it on their radios, since I Heart Radio is the biggest radio company in the country, and dictate who will become a hit song, by shoving it down all our fucking throats, thanks to having business deals with the content producers, even though “Payola” is illegal…. I actually don’t hate the idea of radio, I grew up on it and find it an interesting way to get information….but I do hate everything that I Heart Radio represents in creating all their bullshit pop music…that you know is paid for, because if it wasn’t then why do I know the lyrics of all the Rihanna songs…. All this to say, the two highlights was Rihanna singing about bitches having her monty…andMadonna and Taylor Swift Came Together – Because Madonna Eats the Souls of New Starlets… TO SEE PICS OF RIHANNA CLICK HERE TO SEE PICS OF TAYLOR SWIFT CLICK HERE The post Rihanna Performing of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rihanna Performing of the Day