Tag Archives: ecstasy-during

Paris Hilton On Black Men: “I Would Never Touch One. It’s Gross”


Paris Hilton ‘s racist side rears its ugly head again thanks to a new book by bestelling author Neil Strauss. In Everyone Loves You When You’re Dead , Strauss recalls a conversation with Hilton in which she called black men “gross.” 50 Cent: I’m Not Sure You’ll Want To Jump Over The Table & F**k Chelsea Handler The Top 15 Civil Rights Leaders Of The 21st Century Strauss met Hilton at a party while she was allegedly under the influence of the drug  Ecstasy. During their conversation, Hilton talked about the breast augmentation she had done at age 14 and how her mother made her get the implants removed, her desire to pose for Playboy Magazine, and how she almost slept with an actor rumored to be Vin Diesel, until she found out that he was part black. “HILTON: I went out with that guy last night. Which guy? HILTON ( points to an actor in Saving Private Ryan): We were making out, but then we went somewhere where it was bright and I saw that he was black and made an excuse and left. I can’t stand black guys. I would never touch one. It’s gross. (pauses). Does that guy look black to you? How black does a guy have to be? HILTON: One percent is enough for me.” In 2007, a video of Hilton at a New Years Eve party surfaced where she and a freely used the “N” word and made homophobic comments. Spotted @ KarenCivil.com RELATED: Kim Kardashian “Jam (Turn It Up)” (Produced By The-Dream) [NEW MUSIC] RELATED: Attorney Who Prosecuted Bruno Mars In Coke Case Arrested For Coke Possession

Paris Hilton On Black Men: “I Would Never Touch One. It’s Gross”