Ireland Baldwin is still on her mission to be relevant and not just for having famous parents, and she’s doing it by going to Coachella, like all the other rich bratty girls who I would probably hate being around….only instead of showing off her big dumpy ass in short shorts she wore a sheer shirt that she wants everyone to know about thanks to her “photo” editing skills to cover her 18 year old nipples…and I guess what I am trying to say is that despite being uninterested in her, since she let our love die by blocking me on twitter and instagram, I still want to see her nipples…even if her tits seem too small for her massive frame… So if you were there with her, send it in, cuz nipples on Baldwin’s are good, unless those nipples are on Stephen Baldwin… Here she is in some Calvin Klein campaign, that she booked because she’s a big model, literally…no thanks to her mom and dad…
See the original post here:
Find Me the Ireland Baldwin Nipples for Attetnion Pics of the Day