I don’t know what kind of tape or harnesses are jackin’ Rihanna’s tits up, but whatever it is, it is a hell of a lot better than her electrical tape on her shirt in her most recent video, and whatever it is, it is doing a good fucking job, because I haven’t seen cleavage like this shince the strip club 2 nights ago, that wasn’t that exciting and only ended in one fight with one of the whores, who asked me for a dance last. I am talking doing the rounds of the whole bar, including 5 dudes I was with at least twice before lowering her standards, accepting her rejection and lowering herself to ask me to grab her tits with money, only for me to reject her for not having asked me first, since I get that she’s a whore, but really like to be made to feel special, especially since I’m paying the cunt

Read this article:
Rihanna Flashing Some Tit for a Pre-Recorded New Years Show of the Day
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hot Stuff, Sex
Tagged before-lowering, cleavage, comes-knockin, electrical, electrical-tape, her-standards, Pictures, rihanna, standards, tits