Tag Archives: elephant-seal

Elephant Seals Recruited to Track Ocean Health for Scientists

Photo credit: Joachim Plötz, Alfred Wegener Institute Bull elephant seals are well known for their size and earth-shaking fights during mating season. But what is also notable about them is their long trips to sea. Every year from March to April the males of the only reproduction colony of the Southern elephant seal in the Antarctic come to the South Shetland Islands for moulting, after which they return to sea and don’t come to land again until six months later for mating season in the Antarctic spring. This year during the tiny window of time that the b… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Elephant Seals Recruited to Track Ocean Health for Scientists

How to Cuddle With an Elephant Seal

Get ready for your heart to explode from extreme cuteness! This is a video of a woman and an elephant seal getting extremely cozy, kissing and spooning on a beach in Gold Harbour on a remote South Georgia island . Watch