Tag Archives: emrata-pictures

Emily Ratajkowski’s Super Bowl Cleavage

I’m not trying to make you guys depressed or jealous or anything, but there’s at least two things in this throwback picture of Emily Ratajkowski at last year’s Super Bowl that 99.9% of us will never get to experience: 1) attending a Super Bowl and 2) getting within two feet of Emily’s perfect cleavage. Oh well. Better luck next year, I guess.

Read this article:
Emily Ratajkowski’s Super Bowl Cleavage

Bella “One Face” Hadid Gets Topless And Gives More Faces In Paper Magazine

I’d make sure you’re sitting down for this one, because I’ve got some big news. And no, it’s not that Bella Hadid went topless for this Paper Magazine photoshoot. It’s that she actually made a few new faces for it too. I know, I can barely believe it myself. But maybe the trick is to just get her topless for every shoot. I mean, it’s worth a shot, right? Whatever works.

Follow this link:
Bella “One Face” Hadid Gets Topless And Gives More Faces In Paper Magazine

Emily Ratajkowski Does The Instagram Model Lingerie Show

You know how all those Samsung phones started catching on fire a while back and they had to do that big recall? Well, I think I might have finally uncovered the reason: I think it probably had something to do with guys looking at Emily Ratajkowski ‘s Instagram. Because I don’t know about you dudes, but I’m definitely overheating right now. They might have to recall my sweatpants pretty soon too.

The rest is here:
Emily Ratajkowski Does The Instagram Model Lingerie Show

Instagram Model Emily Ratajkowski’s Booty Is Hard At Work

I guess if you have a booty like Emily Ratajkowski, you never have to work a day in your life. And they say women have it so tough these days!               Continue reading