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True Blood Spoiler Pic: Joe Manganiello as Alcide

Anna Paquin has come out as a bisexual . While this news caused somewhat of a stir for fans of True Blood , most viewers are far more concerned about questions surrounding season three of the show, namely: What will happen to Bill and Sookie? When we last left this couple, the former had proposed to the latter… only to be kidnapped at the conclusion of season two. As soon as the show premieres this summer on HBO, Sookie will be looking for her man – but she won’t be alone. Joe Manganiello has signed on as Alcide, a werewolf that will bond with Paquin’s character as they search for Bill. Get your first look at the actor in this role below: “There is definitely some [sexual] energy between the two of them,” producer Alan Ball told EW.com “It’s not like either one of them is looking for romance, but they’re thrown into several intense situations [and] it’s hard not to bond on a deeper level.” The show premieres on June 12. For more True Blood spoilers , visit our pals at TVFanatic.com.

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True Blood Spoiler Pic: Joe Manganiello as Alcide