New MTV show premieres Saturday at 11 a.m.! By Eric Ditzian Photo: MTV News How does one train to become the face behind one of the most popular celebrity gossip sites on the Web? Where does one go to pick up the skills necessary to score scoops, start feuds and become a celeb in ones own right? Apparently, one heads straight to … the department store? That’s what Perez Hilton did in his teenage years, as he reveals in this Saturday’s premiere of MTV’s new show, “When I Was 17.” “All throughout high school, I always had summer jobs,” he explains. “So when I was 17, I got this job working at a department store. It was called Byrons, and I was a clerk. It was my job to separate the hangers.” How hard could that be? Well, try doing it all day, every day, for an entire summer. That is dedication. “At department stores, they must have 10 different types of hangers,” he says. “They have kid hangers, adult hangers, lingerie hangers, transparent hangers, solid hangers. I would just be there separating hangers for hours and hours and hours.” OK, so maybe that’s not where Hilton picked up his nose for fresh gossip. But now that he has become a celebrity himself, he follows the example of just one person. “Madonna is my ultimate icon,” he says. “Some people ask themselves, ‘What would Jesus do?’ I say, ‘F— that! What would Madonna do?’ ” That’s the sort of insight into today’s celebs that you’ll get on “When I Was 17.” The premiere episode — featuring Trey Songz , Khloe Kardashian and Hilton — airs Saturday (May 1) at 11 a.m. on MTV. Related Videos Sneak Peek: ‘When I Was 17’ Episode 1 Related Photos When I Was 17 | Ep. 1 | Celebrity Photo Flashback
Originally posted here:
Perez Hilton As A Clerk? Hear About It On ‘When I Was 17’!
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip, Hollywood, Music
Tagged become-the-face, celeb news, forthcoming, Game, Gossip, Hollywood, joint, Madonna, news article, show-premieres, Sneak Peek, throughout-high, Videos