Tag Archives: enough-now

More Kate Upton Getting In Shape

Remember how yesterday, I showed you guys Kate Upton ‘s new Shape Magazine cover ? Well, today, I’ve got the full photoshoot for you below, including a special behind-the-scenes video of Kate talking about… I have no idea, because I only watched it on mute. But whatever it is, I can tell you this: it all makes for a great workout. You’re going to have the buffest forearms and wrists after this.

Originally posted here:
More Kate Upton Getting In Shape

Emily Ratajkowski Topless Mirror Selfie

I’m really surprised Emily Ratajkowski hasn’t found a billionaire husband. She has been doing this game long enough now, so I can only assume that girl is batsh%it crazy. Anyway, here she is doing the Instagram model topless selfie pose. Such a pro.          

Emily Ratajkowski Topless Mirror Selfie