Tag Archives: shape-magazine

Emmy Rossum TIts out for Shape Magazine of the Day

I don’t know why…but I hate Emmy Rossum… So seeing her in Shape. Trying to figure out her career now that she’s done with Shameless after whining about how much she got paid….like an ungrateful brat who wanted to use the power of the media to feel sorry for her, putting the heat on the producers, when bitch was already getting paid well and was just being greedy and unreasonable considering no one watches TV anymore anyway… I have seen her naked, and so have you, in her Shameless show, which is properly titled since bitch is Shameless..and I am good with that, into that, I believe in that…and support that…but anything beyond that…when it comes to this average at best actress…is irrelevant…and really so is she…fading away finally…because she just doesn’t have star power…even if she thinks she does….she’s old, boring, and overrated…..but here she is anyway… JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Emmy Rossum TIts out for Shape Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

See the article here:
Emmy Rossum TIts out for Shape Magazine of the Day

Amber Heard Nipples See Through of the Day

What the world needs more of is Amber Heard’s black widow, husband exposing, mooch opportunist, home wrecking, spirit destroying, Wallet fucking, nipples in some fashion shoot she shouldn’t be part of because she’s bottom of the barrel bottom feeding white trash… Save it for women who get careers for themselves by not fucking Johnny Depp before destroying Johnny Depp. I hate all she represents…which isn’t anything of substance….but nipples are alright – they feed babies at Starbucks by their moms who celebrate being women with their tits out. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Amber Heard Nipples See Through of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Amber Heard Nipples See Through of the Day

More Kate Upton Getting In Shape

Remember how yesterday, I showed you guys Kate Upton ‘s new Shape Magazine cover ? Well, today, I’ve got the full photoshoot for you below, including a special behind-the-scenes video of Kate talking about… I have no idea, because I only watched it on mute. But whatever it is, I can tell you this: it all makes for a great workout. You’re going to have the buffest forearms and wrists after this.

Originally posted here:
More Kate Upton Getting In Shape

Lily Collins Does Shape In A Bikini

I guess now we know where those Lily Collins  behind-the-scenes swimsuits pictures  we got last week were from. Because here she is on the cover of next month’s Shape Magazine . And I’ve got to say, I’m impressed. If Lily ever wants to give up the whole rich kid actress thing, I think she’s definitely got a bright future as a rich kid bikini model.

See the rest here:
Lily Collins Does Shape In A Bikini

Rita Ora for Shape Magazine of the Day

Who is Rita Ora? Is not a question that some interviewer would ask Rita Ora when interviewing her for some Oscar or Grammy special, you know a cliche question – trying to get to the depths of what makes this talent tick, or what she’s all about… Who is Rita Ora? Is a genuine question that people ask when people like me say “have you seen the Rita Ora Shape Magazine Pics”…before following that up with “I know, I’m surprised she’s in Shape, considering her tits that made her are so fat, I guess Shape is just trying to stay relevant and Ora was the only one available, or eager enough to participate, or maybe Ora paid them and this is an ad deal…because who the fuck is Rita Ora”…. Here are the pics anyway…because what the fuck else am I supposed to do with my time.. The post Rita Ora for Shape Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rita Ora for Shape Magazine of the Day

Love Magazine Knows How To Make Karlie Kloss Ugly And Awkward

I know I’m starting to sound like a broken record with these terrible LOVE Advent videos, but they just keep getting worse and worst. And apparently they saved the best worst for last. Because they just managed to do something I didn’t think was possible with “Day 23”: force me to turn off a video of leggy Victoria’s Secret model  Karlie Kloss in lingerie before it was over. But I guess turning us off must’ve been part of the plan. Otherwise, I just don’t get it.

Read the rest here:
Love Magazine Knows How To Make Karlie Kloss Ugly And Awkward

Kate Beckinsale Is In Great MILFy Shape

I’ve always dug  Kate Beckinsale — she’s been crushing it in the Hollywood MILF department for years now — but I’m not entirely sure about this quote she’s got on the cover of Shape Magazine ‘s January issue. Don’t get me wrong, Kate’s definitely looking pretty “fit” thanks to that bikini (and, ahem, a little Photoshop). But the fittest she’s ever been? I’m going to have to go back into the archives to double-check that. If I’m not back in 3 hours, send a search party in after me. Otherwise, I could get lost in there for days.

See the original post:
Kate Beckinsale Is In Great MILFy Shape

Heidi Klum in Shape Magazine of the Day

Heidi Klum is in Shape Magazine and if you’re a Heidi Klum fan – you probably already know that – I am too slow to the draw on this internet thing – where I’d need to be married to my computer all day everyday – while I have better things to do with my time – like stare at the wall… Ultimately, who really cares about Heidi Klum, she doesn’t care about you, she just wants you to buy whatever product she selling. She’s not inviting you to her parties, she’s not having weird German Scat Fetish sex with you – like you are SEAL – but then again you don’t have the voice of an angel and a penis the size of something that a BDSM submissive would want….it’s a German thing…from Nazi to Pragmatic… I am just amazed she looks this good, but it’s pretty obvious why. She’s genetically modified thanks to Nazi technology – and it has worked out amazingly for her…not so amazingly for the people they tested this on in the 1940s…but that was so long ago…let’s focus on what matters…. The post Heidi Klum in Shape Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

More here:
Heidi Klum in Shape Magazine of the Day

Lea Michele Does Shape Magazine

Personally, I’ve always thought that the less clothing Lea Michele wears, the better she looks. So as far as I’m concerned, she’s not looking half bad here on the cover of Shape Magazine ‘s November issue. Although she could definitely be looking a lot better. We’re talking 2-3 layers better. Oh well. Maybe next time. Continue reading

I’ll F**k Your Little Azz Up! Gangsta Granny Pulls Knife On Grandson For Disrespecting Her In The Car [Video]

Grandmother Pulls Knife Out On Grandson For Disrespecting Her Do you think the granny was out of pocket or did the little boy deserve the threats?? YT

Continued here:
I’ll F**k Your Little Azz Up! Gangsta Granny Pulls Knife On Grandson For Disrespecting Her In The Car [Video]