This is my attempt to connect with the youths, you know with the people who grew up on VINE, for the millions of people who follow Lele Pons who was at one point a Vine Star, and now just a massively followed Instagrammer / Youtuber / making that money off social media since that’s the Disney Kid of today, all these cheesy fucks making bad comedy for retard kids who get sucked into their life and groupie on them…without the involvement of the evil media empires….like Disney, execs and perverts, these fuckers do it all on their own, proving how overrated being a Disney or media exec actually is, because people can get famous without them now…and I guess that’s why they are trying to regulate the internet, they can’t lose that power, too much money at stake… Well, apparently, this is her flashing her nipple and really..I don’t see it, but maybe you do, and maybe it’s just a reminder to not bother trying to connect with the youth, unless I meet them on tinder and they want to sit on my face…or experience weird sex practices because along with growing up on VINE they grew up on the PORNO…and are looking for thrills…. The post Lele Pons Nipple Slip of the Day appeared first on .
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Lele Pons Nipple Slip of the Day