Tag Archives: estate-known

The Verge: Callan McAuliffe and Madeline Carroll

In Rob Reiner’s retro family film Flipped , the central, budding romance is handled in a novel way: first we see things from the perspective of aloof junior high schooler Bryce (Callan McAuliffe), and then we replay the same events through the perspective of his not-so-secret admirer, Juli (Madeline Carroll). For this edition of the Verge, then, let’s check in with McAuliffe first (he’s a 15-year-old Australian with a key role in the upcoming action film I Am Number Four ), then hear from Carroll (already a TV and film veteran at the age of 14), two unusually self-possessed young actors.

See original here:
The Verge: Callan McAuliffe and Madeline Carroll

Tyler Perry Will Buy, Demolish Your Dream House

A bittersweet story in the Sunday NYT recounted the sale of Dean Gardens, an Atlanta estate known more for its gaudy, tacky, rich-person excesses (and an 18-hole golf course) than anything resembling good taste. Even Tyler Perry can’t stand it; the filmmaker and mogul dropped $7.6 million for the 58-acre sprawl just so can raze the dump and build a new house that is “environmentally friendly and made of concrete.” Especially the closets. [ NYT ]

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Tyler Perry Will Buy, Demolish Your Dream House