Tag Archives: even-possessing

Japan’s Sewage Water As Commodity In New Trade Plan With Australia

Photo by jdnx Drought-stricken Australia needs water. Japan discharges billions of tons of treated sewage water into the ocean. Might cargo ships returning to Australia from Japan haul otherwise-wasted water to the dry continent in their ballasts instead of the usual seawater? It seems like a perfect trade that satisfies several needs, reduces waste, and even reduces the potential for invasive species to hitch a ride from Japan to Australia. The concept for this commercial trade in treated sewage water is going to be tested out within the next two… Read the full story on TreeHugger

See original here:
Japan’s Sewage Water As Commodity In New Trade Plan With Australia

The Week in Pictures: BP Censors Media, China No Longer a Developing Nation, Best Bamboo Bikes, and More (Slideshow)

As the BP oil spill moves from being a short and bloody battle to a long and drawn out war, frustrating news surfaced this week: 1) In an Alabama wildlife refuge affected by the spill, even possessing a camera is prohibited (video, after the jump); 2) BP apparently won’t use peat moss to help clean up the oil because it won’t be able to sell the oil afterwards. In other green news, China now emits on a per person basis more than France, which means that China can no longer claim to be a developing nation; a board game from the 1970s, called “BP Offshore Oil Strike”, strangely predicts today’s current affairs; Walmart, KFC… Read the full story on TreeHugger

See the article here:
The Week in Pictures: BP Censors Media, China No Longer a Developing Nation, Best Bamboo Bikes, and More (Slideshow)