Tag Archives: image galleries

The Week in TreeHugger: US Sues BP Over Gulf Oil Spill, and More (Slideshow)

The US Department of Justice and Environmental Protection Agency have filed suit against BP and eight other firms, asking that they be held liable for all clean up and damage costs associated with the Gulf Oil Spill. In other major green news this week, a “new car smell” may have caused a hit-and-run on a cyclist in Vail, NASA publishes two world maps showing that the planet is warming, San Jose, California bans plastic shopping bags, the MacGyver approach to winter biking (zip ties!), and more in our news in review slideshow, below.

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The Week in TreeHugger: US Sues BP Over Gulf Oil Spill, and More (Slideshow)

The Week in Animal News: Super-Tiny Chameleon, Mozilla Adopts Baby Firefoxes, and More (Slideshow)

A teensy-weensy Brookesia Chameleon. Photo: Will Burrard-Lucas Believe it or not, this lizard is actually a full-grown adult, measuring about an inch in length — making it one of the smallest reptiles on the planet. Find more on this little critter and the arrest of a smuggler of thousands of endangered spiders, videos of jaguar fishing, lion cubs swimming, and more in the Week in Animal News.

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The Week in Animal News: Super-Tiny Chameleon, Mozilla Adopts Baby Firefoxes, and More (Slideshow)

VeloMini Folding Electric Bike Brings Best of Both Worlds

Image via Velomini For urban cyclists, there’s the convenience of folding bikes that can easily fit inside an apartment, office cubicle, or subway car, and there’s also the helpful ease of electric assist bikes which can get you to work without breaking much of a sweat. There aren’t all that many bikes out there that offer both of these features, but breaking on to the scene is the Velomini, and it looks promising. … Read the full story on TreeHugger

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VeloMini Folding Electric Bike Brings Best of Both Worlds

With Spectacular Stick Sculptures by Patrick Dougherty, Art and Nature Collide (Slideshow)

Sculptor Patrick Dougherty’s “Sortie de Cave / Free At Last” (2008) at the Jardin des Arts, Chateaubourg, France. Photo credit: Charles Crie. For sculptures that start out as scrap and end up as compost, Patrick Dougherty ‘s nest-like works are intensely full of life, sprawling out across lawns , reaching into treetops, and winding up stairs. His works around the world are all shaped from sustainably harvested tree

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With Spectacular Stick Sculptures by Patrick Dougherty, Art and Nature Collide (Slideshow)

Fisherman Sings Rousing Protest Song at Oil Spill Hearing (Video)

We’ve seen testimony of fisherman after fisherman and Gulf Coast resident after Gulf Coast resident lament the woes inflicted upon their home by the BP spill. So how does one go about setting himself apart from the crowd at yet another Oil Spill Commission hearing? You grab a guitar and belt out a song you wrote about the oil spill , right to the committee’s face, that’s how. And that’s exactly what the recently unemployed crawfisherma… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Fisherman Sings Rousing Protest Song at Oil Spill Hearing (Video)

Cheap, Energy-Efficient Robots that Build Houses (Slideshow)

LEGO CNC milling machine & open source robotic arm. Image credit: Marta Malé-Alemany. Meet George Jetson: (FAB)BOTS are robots or machines that fabricate structures and spatial formations for architecture. Designed by students, the robot prototypes shown here are inspired by insects, use recycled plastic bags to create structures, fabricate floating houses for the future and even use the sun to laser cut. Intended to meet on-site deployment strategies using locally available materials, these robotic proposals could serve as alternative construction me… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Cheap, Energy-Efficient Robots that Build Houses (Slideshow)

The Week in Pictures: BP Censors Media, China No Longer a Developing Nation, Best Bamboo Bikes, and More (Slideshow)

As the BP oil spill moves from being a short and bloody battle to a long and drawn out war, frustrating news surfaced this week: 1) In an Alabama wildlife refuge affected by the spill, even possessing a camera is prohibited (video, after the jump); 2) BP apparently won’t use peat moss to help clean up the oil because it won’t be able to sell the oil afterwards. In other green news, China now emits on a per person basis more than France, which means that China can no longer claim to be a developing nation; a board game from the 1970s, called “BP Offshore Oil Strike”, strangely predicts today’s current affairs; Walmart, KFC… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The Week in Pictures: BP Censors Media, China No Longer a Developing Nation, Best Bamboo Bikes, and More (Slideshow)

Reinventing the Dish and the Drainboard to Make Dishwashing Easier

Collin is convinced that dishwashers are greener than handwashing , but I am not so sure; one or two people can take a long time to fill one up, and his calculations don’t take into account the embodied energy making the dishwasher, the space it takes up and the cost of buying and maintaining the thing. We have a Bosche that needs a $500 repair and are washing by hand these days, and I have found that the standard dishrack could use a bit of a redesign.

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Reinventing the Dish and the Drainboard to Make Dishwashing Easier

The Week in Pictures: Pac-Man Ship Eats Oil Spills, World Cup Carbon Footprint, Pedal-powered Porsche, and More (Slideshow)

As BP’s Gulf oil spill continues to spew, the internet has helped showcase some of the more interesting ways an oil spill can be cleaned up. For example, a pac-man-esque oil recovery vessel and Kevin Costner’s machine that can separate oil and water–BP just ordered 32! The Upright Citizens Brigade explores what happens when BP spills coffee and the video is pretty hilarious (unlike the actual spill in the Gulf of Mexico). And in other green news, VW has just unveiled the new 2011 Jetta with a hybrid model coming in 2012; A new study estimates a carbon footprint of 2,753,251 tons of CO2 from the 2010 World Cup; and NASA says that the Moon may have more water th… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The Week in Pictures: Pac-Man Ship Eats Oil Spills, World Cup Carbon Footprint, Pedal-powered Porsche, and More (Slideshow)

The Week in Pictures: BP Could Go Bankrupt Over Gulf Spill, Solar Power Station on the Moon, and More (Slideshow)

In BP oil spill news this week, the media is making much of the fact that the company’s daily profits are higher than its daily cleanup costs. But that’s changing fast, it’s possible that the Gulf spill will end up bankrupting the oil giant. An oil spill expert and animal biologist says, “Kill, don’t clean” oiled birds; Based on the startling statistic that less than 1% of oil-soaked birds survive. An in other green news, a Greenpeace protest against tuna fishing in the Mediterranean turned violent this week when an activist was harpooned in the leg by a French fisherman; Chinese coal fires may final… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The Week in Pictures: BP Could Go Bankrupt Over Gulf Spill, Solar Power Station on the Moon, and More (Slideshow)