Tag Archives: showcase-some

Afternoon Delight: The Breast Of Halle Berry

Halleeee Berryyyyyy, Halleeee Berry! Miss Berry has graced us with many a titty in her day, and after seeing her Golden Globes …AT the Golden Globes last night we decided to showcase some of her finest showings.

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Afternoon Delight: The Breast Of Halle Berry

Reinventing the Dish and the Drainboard to Make Dishwashing Easier

Collin is convinced that dishwashers are greener than handwashing , but I am not so sure; one or two people can take a long time to fill one up, and his calculations don’t take into account the embodied energy making the dishwasher, the space it takes up and the cost of buying and maintaining the thing. We have a Bosche that needs a $500 repair and are washing by hand these days, and I have found that the standard dishrack could use a bit of a redesign.

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Reinventing the Dish and the Drainboard to Make Dishwashing Easier

The Week in Pictures: Pac-Man Ship Eats Oil Spills, World Cup Carbon Footprint, Pedal-powered Porsche, and More (Slideshow)

As BP’s Gulf oil spill continues to spew, the internet has helped showcase some of the more interesting ways an oil spill can be cleaned up. For example, a pac-man-esque oil recovery vessel and Kevin Costner’s machine that can separate oil and water–BP just ordered 32! The Upright Citizens Brigade explores what happens when BP spills coffee and the video is pretty hilarious (unlike the actual spill in the Gulf of Mexico). And in other green news, VW has just unveiled the new 2011 Jetta with a hybrid model coming in 2012; A new study estimates a carbon footprint of 2,753,251 tons of CO2 from the 2010 World Cup; and NASA says that the Moon may have more water th… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The Week in Pictures: Pac-Man Ship Eats Oil Spills, World Cup Carbon Footprint, Pedal-powered Porsche, and More (Slideshow)