Tag Archives: daily-cleanup

The Week in Pictures: BP Could Go Bankrupt Over Gulf Spill, Solar Power Station on the Moon, and More (Slideshow)

In BP oil spill news this week, the media is making much of the fact that the company’s daily profits are higher than its daily cleanup costs. But that’s changing fast, it’s possible that the Gulf spill will end up bankrupting the oil giant. An oil spill expert and animal biologist says, “Kill, don’t clean” oiled birds; Based on the startling statistic that less than 1% of oil-soaked birds survive. An in other green news, a Greenpeace protest against tuna fishing in the Mediterranean turned violent this week when an activist was harpooned in the leg by a French fisherman; Chinese coal fires may final… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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The Week in Pictures: BP Could Go Bankrupt Over Gulf Spill, Solar Power Station on the Moon, and More (Slideshow)

BP Could Go Bankrupt Over Gulf Spill

Photo via Autoblog Green So far in its coverage of the BP Gulf spill , the media has made much of the fact that the company’s daily profits are higher than its daily cleanup costs, and that after raking in $17 billion in profits last year alone, such costs are but a drop in the bucket. But that’s changing fast — and if a few other factors come to pass, it’s possible that the Gulf spill will end up bankrupting the oil giant. Speculators are calling this possible outcome the “Texaco scenari… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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BP Could Go Bankrupt Over Gulf Spill