Tag Archives: even-process

Kylie Jenner Tits of the Day

A day is not a day…unless 12 year old Kylie Jenner shows us that if you’re raised in the proper loveless, self involved, vapid whore household….you’re never too young to show off your tits…hell you don’t even need to have tits to be whored out where she’s from…they start that shit when you’re in the womb and just keep it up…until America stops caring, but America seems to never stop caring…and I guess it’s because there is just so many of them, you can’t avoid them…coming at us from every angle, market, brand..they are everywhere…and so is this cleavage… The post Kylie Jenner Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Kylie Jenner Tits of the Day

Lindsay Lohan is Broken of the Day

These Lindsay Lohan bathing suit pictures…is all I’ve ever fucking needed… They are everything I’ve ever been looking for… I couldn’t have dreamt of a better way to spend today….or everyday…this is the end all, be all of humanity… Lohan, in a white, lace, thong looking bathing suit, bloated, pregnant, or fat…. There’s just so much going on in this…I can’t even process it…I just stare…and love every second of it.. Lohan is the meaning of life…even when she’s dead on the inside… Lohan is sent from heaven….even though she looks like she’s destined for heaven when her heart stops…not that I believe in that shit… Lohan is connected to my soul…and I hope she’s getting my telepathic messages of love… Because I appreciate this perfection…. I need this perfection… She’s all that matters… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE The post Lindsay Lohan is Broken of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Lindsay Lohan is Broken of the Day