Tag Archives: even-the-guests

Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo: Married!

Longtime lovebirds Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo have officially tied the knot. Congratulations to the couple on their wedding, which took place today! The pair married on a tropical island in front of 35 friends and family. “For us, this is just a stepping stone to do what we ultimately want and that’s to start a family together,” Minnillo said after the surprise affair . She and Nick started dating in 2006 and became engaged last November, but no one knew when their wedding would be. Not even the guests! “Nobody knew where they were going,” Minnillo said. “Our wedding invitations were in the form of a plane ticket,” Lachey added of the secret. “We told them they were going away and the attire was ‘island chic.’ It was all very vague.” Lachey and Minnillo’s destination wedding will be televised on a TLC’s special called Nick & Vanessa’s Dream Wedding , premiering July 30. It was the first marriage for Minnillo; Lachey was previously and famously married to Jessica Simpson, who he separated from in 2006. Nice to hear some happy celebrity news in the wake of the surprising Jennifer Lopez-Marc Anthony split reported hours ago. Congrats again!

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Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo: Married!

Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo: Married!

Longtime lovebirds Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo have officially tied the knot. Congratulations to the couple on their wedding, which took place today! The pair married on a tropical island in front of 35 friends and family. “For us, this is just a stepping stone to do what we ultimately want and that’s to start a family together,” Minnillo said after the surprise affair . She and Nick started dating in 2006 and became engaged last November, but no one knew when their wedding would be. Not even the guests! “Nobody knew where they were going,” Minnillo said. “Our wedding invitations were in the form of a plane ticket,” Lachey added of the secret. “We told them they were going away and the attire was ‘island chic.’ It was all very vague.” Lachey and Minnillo’s destination wedding will be televised on a TLC’s special called Nick & Vanessa’s Dream Wedding , premiering July 30. It was the first marriage for Minnillo; Lachey was previously and famously married to Jessica Simpson, who he separated from in 2006. Nice to hear some happy celebrity news in the wake of the surprising Jennifer Lopez-Marc Anthony split reported hours ago. Congrats again!

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Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo: Married!

The View’s Hasselbeck Unloads on Kathy Griffin, But Joy Behar Waters Down Smear of Scott Brown’s Daughters; ‘It Was Just a Joke’

On her Bravo show last Tuesday night, Kathy Griffin trashed Sen. Scott Brown’s two daughters as “prostitutes.” CNN reporter Dana Bash, who was present with her husband John King, erupted into laughter. Yesterday on ABC’s “The View,” co-host Joy Behar tried to throw a wet blanket on the ensuing outrage over the “joke,” which included condemnations of Griffin’s comments by Scott Brown himself and by Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.). “It’s just a joke,” Behar repeatedly affirmed during a heated exchange with co-host Elisabeth Hasselbeck, who vehemently disagreed. “No, no, no, no, no!” Hasselbeck exclaimed. “We’ve always said politicians’ kids are off limits! If someone went around calling Barack Obama’s two girls prostitutes, people would be up in arms. Laybacks! Kathy Griffin’s got to back up on that one right now!” Hasselbeck ripped Griffin as “scum” for her remarks. “You defend your daughters against scum who comes after them and calls them someone like a prostitute,” Hasselbeck asserted about Scott Brown’s condemnation of Griffin’s “joke.” On a recent episode of “The View,” Hasselbeck had a chance to go after Griffin live after Griffin previously called her an “f—ing Survivor reject.” The conservative co-host, however, backed down even after being taunted by Griffin. Newsbusters asked last week if Hasselbeck had been muzzled, especially after liberal Joy Behar went after conservative guest Laura Ingraham a month later about the role of women in religion. After Hasselbeck’s initial defense of Scott Brown’s daughters, Behar tried to twist the topic, pointing out that Brown said his daughters “were available” and “trotted” them out in public on the night of the election – so they were fair game. “Every politician has their family around them,” on election night, Hasselbeck retorted. “Are you justifying what Kathy Griffin said about these two young girls?” Hasselbeck asked, astonished. “It’s just a joke,” Behar insisted. “Don’t do it, it’s not just a joke,” Hasselbeck immediately retorted. “We said off-limits. Everyone said off-limits. Get in line and cut it out. It’s not okay.” When pressed what her reaction would be if her own daughters were called prostitutes, Behar said she would casually brush it off. “I know my daughter is not a prostitute, so it’s funny to me,” the show’s liberal co-host answered. Behar also defended CNN correspondent Dana Bash, who laughed at Griffin’s comment. Behar said Bash simply has “a sense of humor,” and only “chuckled” at the comment. Co-host Sherri Shepherd said that a laugh was expected since Griffin is, after all, a comic. Neither Behar nor Shepherd discussed whether Bash, as a reporter, should have been on the show in the first place, given that Griffin is notorious for her dirty and outrageous remarks, often at the expense of Republicans or conservatives.. As Newsbusters reported on the incident last week, you may watch the video of the incident yourself to see whether Dana Bash erupted in laughter or simply “chuckled” at the comment. Hasselbeck was not without any support from her co-hosts. For her part, generally liberal ‘View’ moderator Whoopi Goldberg defended Scott Brown on speaking out for his daughters. “If somebody talked about my daughter as a joke like that, I’d beat their a**,” she said. A partial transcript of the segment, which aired on July 19 at 11:09 a.m. EDT, is as follows: (Video Clip) KATHY GRIFFIN: Scott Brown – who is a senator from Massachusetts, and has two daughters that are prostitutes. (End Video Clip) ELISABETH HASSELBECK: It’s actually not really funny, and I know his daughters actually, and they’re anything but that, and they –   JOY BEHAR: It’s a joke, Elisabeth. It’s just a joke. HASSELBECK: Well no, no, no, no, no! We’ve always said politicians’ kids are off limits. If someone went around calling Barack Obama’s two girls prostitutes, people would be up in arms. Laybacks! Kathy Griffin’s gotta back up on that one right now! Back it up, KG! JOY BEHAR: But wait a second, isn’t he the one who trotted his daughter out there when he accepted the speech, and said, you know that she’s available. HASSELBECK: Trot – every politician has their family around them. BEHAR: Once you trot the kids out, the Obamas do not trot the kids out, if you’ll notice. Bristol and the boyfriend there, Levi – Levi who drops his Johnst – who dropped his Levis to show his Johnston – they’re pushing a reality show now – (Crosstalk) HASSELBECK: Wait a minute, are you justifying what Kathy Griffin said about these two young girls? That’s – BEHAR: It’s just a joke. HASSELBECK: Don’t do it, it’s not just a joke. We said off limits.” Everyone said off limits. Get in line, and cut it out. It’s not okay. (…) WHOOPI GOLDBERG: Yeah, listen. If someone’s – no, no, no – if somebody talked about my daughter as a joke like that, I would beat their ass. SHERRI SHEPHERD: But you’re their mother. GOLDBERG: That’s my – that’s our point. So you can’t be surprised that Scott Brown took offense at it. Those are his kids! (…) HASSELBECK: You defend your daughters against scum who comes after them, and calls them someone like a prostitute. BEHAR: Are you calling Kathy scum now? Are you calling her scum? (Crosstalk) BEHAR: I’m wondering, is that okay? HASSELBECK: If someone called your daughter a prostitute, would you think they’d be scum? I’d call someone scum if they called my daughter a prostitute. BEHAR: I know my daughter is not a prostitute, so it’s funny to me. HASSELBECK: (Sarcastically) Hysterical. It’s so funny. (…) BEHAR: I know, it’s true. The discussion in the makeup room what whether Dana Bash should have laughed. That was the discussion. Because she’s a news person. GOLDBERG: She could have been nervous – (Crosstalk) BEHAR: I say Dana Bash has a sense of humor, knows that the girls are not prostitutes, and then chuckled at it. That’s all. SHEPHERD: And as a matter of fact, Kathy is a comic. So you say outrageous things, we expect to get a laugh.

More here:
The View’s Hasselbeck Unloads on Kathy Griffin, But Joy Behar Waters Down Smear of Scott Brown’s Daughters; ‘It Was Just a Joke’

Did MSNBC Adjust Website in Response to Dallas Tea Party’s Criticism?

Is MSNBC concerned about charges of a lack of racial diversity among its on-air staff? Perhaps the cable network is realizing that its glass house is increasingly at risk of shattering from all the stones it keeps hurling at the allegedly-racist Tea Party movement. The folks at Inside Cable News noticed a slight change in the header at the MSNBC TV homepage. See if you can spot it in the picture at right. It shouldn’t be that hard; the folks at the cable network put Tamron Hall front and center in a bright pink shirt ( click here for a larger image of the new header). Did MSNBC add Hall in an effort to satiate critics who have pointed out the lack of racial diversity on the cable network? Though ICN notes the comical video produced by the Dallas Tea Party, the Congressional Black Caucus has also chided MSNBC for its lily-white staff. Many such critiques were directly aimed at Keith Olbermann, who suggested that Tea Party protesters were racist because only white people attended their rallies. “Where are they?” asked an overdramatic Olbermann. The Dallas Tea Party countered with its own video noting the on-air whiteness of NBC’s TV holdings. Other conservative commentators, such as blogger Broliath , created their own videos to a similar effect, noting that even the guests on “Countdown” were overwhelmingly white. And as mentioned above, even the Congressional Black Caucus weighed in . According to Main Justice, CBC member Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas, asked NBC president Jeff Zucker why there wasn’t “any black programming on NBC.” She added: “Is there some assumption that black programming is not profitable?” But is Hall’s conspicuous presence in the new website header — which was not present as late as April —  a response to MSNBC’s critics? Well, Zucker did tell Jackson Lee that “diversity was one of his strategic goals and that the company was trying to do better.” Furthermore, as ICN notes: …Hall’s inclusion with the “Heavy Hitters” of MSNBC is a bit strange. MSNBC has never before bothered to put any of its M-FR dayside news talent in with the ones that get all the attention. It’s not like Hall’s two hours are fundamentally different in either format or subject matter from what airs at 10, 12, or 3pm ET aside from the fact that they still have segments from inside the control room. So the question arises: Why put Hall up front and center, literally center in this case, with a picture that is fundamentally different from the subdued wardrobe theme that everyone else is sporting (which just about guarantees that Hall is the one you’re going to notice first because her picture sticks out so)? This is, after all, the same cable network whose on-air staff confused Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton .

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Did MSNBC Adjust Website in Response to Dallas Tea Party’s Criticism?