Tag Archives: even-traumatic

Nicole Bahls Nipple on the Beach of the Day

I don’t know anything about this Nicole Bahls character…but she’s apparently a model from Brazil…who is also on Reality shows…and who reminds me of the Brazilian Snooki…which is not a good thing to be….even if it is better than being the actual Snooki…cuz the actual Snooki is the fucking devil….but I do know she was on the beach in thong and a bikini the other day and her nipple popped out…which is a huge surprise considering her choices on bathing suits….you know she wears the kind that make you wonder why she’s wearing a bikini all…a questionable character who thinks the world needs to see her half naked…and I guess I’m ok with that….cuz I’m ok with all things half naked…even traumatic things… Nicole Bahls is Hilarious in her Thong on the Beach GO

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Nicole Bahls Nipple on the Beach of the Day