Tag Archives: evidence-before

Prosecutors: Dr. Conrad Murray Has Guilty Conscience!

Dr. Conrad Murray ‘s actions – or lack thereof – were telling, according to the officials tasked with investigating the death of Michael Jackson in 2009. Prosecutors in the physician’s involuntary manslaughter trial want the jury to hear about how authorities tried repeatedly to get in touch with Dr. Conrad Murray to figure out how Michael Jackson died, and how he didn’t cooperate. That, they say, is proof positive of a guilty conscience. Prosecutors say both the LAPD and the L.A. County Coroner tried on at least three separate occasions from June 30-July 21, 2009 to contact Murray about the case. Never once did they receive a call back. By falling off the radar, prosecutors believe it shows a consciousness of guilt – if not a full-scale effort to be less than forthcoming – and they want this evidence before the selected jurors. The judge has yet to rule the motion. The gaping hole in the Michael Jackson death timeline and the judge’s ruling that some previous MJ doctors cannot testify won’t help Murray, either.

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Prosecutors: Dr. Conrad Murray Has Guilty Conscience!

Jessica Alba Smiles — Gets Out of a Ticket

Filed under: Jessica Alba , Celebrity Justice , Ride Me , Paparazzi Photo Jessica Alba doesn’t smile for just anyone — but this morning the actress brushed the dust off her pearly whites during a traffic stop in L.A. … and was not-so-shockingly let go with just a warning. Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Alba was pulled… Read more

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Jessica Alba Smiles — Gets Out of a Ticket

Mel Gibson: Can You Hear Me Now?

Filed under: Mel Gibson , Oksana Grigorieva , Celebrity Justice Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … L.A. County Sheriff’s investigators are waiting on Verizon , AT&T and other carriers to supply them with the last bit of evidence before turning the case over to the D.A. As we have previously reported … text… Read more

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Mel Gibson: Can You Hear Me Now?