Dancing With the Stars finalist / abstinence advocate / Facebook fiend Bristol Palin just bought a house and says that she may enroll in college nearby. The location of said property: Maricopa, Arizona. The $172,000 Arizona home Bristol Palin just paid for in cash has five bedrooms, 2.5 baths and 3,900 square feet. The price? $172,000. Quite a deal. SUN DEVIL : Is Bristol heading to ASU? [Photo: Pacific Coast News] So far, no word on which school the 20-year-old will be attending, but the home is just miles from Arizona State University’s school of broadcasting. Bristol has expressed an interest in broadcasting public speaking. Another fun fact: ASU declined to give Barack Obama an honorary degree in May. He gave the commencement speech, but officials deemed that he, the President of the U.S., hadn’t done enough in his career to warrant the honor. Sounds like a good fit for Bristol. Sarah Palin ? So proud.
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Bristol Palin to Enroll at Arizona State?