Tag Archives: expecting-wife

Awesome 5-Year Old Loves Amusement Park Ride, Should Be Hired as Reporter

Someone give Noah Ritter a reporting job already! This ridiculously cute five-year old was approached by Sofia Ojeda of WNEP-TV at the Pennsylvania Wayne County Fair over the weekend and asked if he enjoyed his last ride. He responded by grabbing the microphone and saying (repeatedly) that he’s “never been on live television before” and talking about Powerball and uttering the word “apparently” often and… … just watch the video for yourself. It may be the cutest 90 seconds you’ll ever spend. Child Acts as News Reporter With some toddlers APPARENTLY aspiring to be Hooters waitresses , isn’t it nice to see one young man who is ready for his television close-up right now? Let’s take a look at some other cute kid videos, shall we?   48 Adorable Kid Videos 1. Toddler Falls in Love at Best Buy A youngster named Julian falls in love with a pretty girl at Best Buy … on a box.

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Awesome 5-Year Old Loves Amusement Park Ride, Should Be Hired as Reporter

Tallulah Willis Strips Down, Blames “F-cking Tabloids” for Body Dysmorphia

Tallulah Willis nearly gets naked in the following video. But not for same reason why Kendall Jenner nearly gets naked each week on Instagram. Instead, Demi Moore and Bruce Willis’ daughter is taking part in The What’s Underneath Project, removing her clothing to make a point about body dysmorphia. Tallulah says  she developed it by “reading those stupid f-cking tabloids when I was like 13 and feeling like I was ugly,” adding: “I was trapped in this body and I hated that I was sexy. That was when I started starving myself and losing a bunch of weight and I got down to like 95 pounds… I lost my curves and my boobs shriveled up into like nothing.” Tallulah Willis Strips for “The What’s Underneath Project” Hoping to set an example for how women should learn to accept who they are, Willis concludes: “I viewed super skinny me as smart and intelligent… But I was actually creating more of a cage for myself and more of an issue.” Does someone wanna send this message and this video to Kim Kardashian or just we go ahead and do it?

Tallulah Willis Strips Down, Blames “F-cking Tabloids” for Body Dysmorphia

Kate Upton Reacts Adorably to Justin Verlander Baseball Toss: Watch!

Lest anyone doubt they were a full-on couple, baseball star Justin Verlander let the whole country know Kate Upton is his MVP last night at Yankee Stadium. Upton was in the front row supporting the Detroit Tigers pitcher, whom she’s dated off and on for some time. Looks like they’re 100 percent “on” now. You don’t toss a baseball into just any pretty girl in the stands. Justin Verlander Gives Kate Upton a Baseball Verlander made the cute, romantic move that was all caught on camera, causing the supermodel to blush and smile at Justin’s sweet gesture. Even the sportscaster who saw this couldn’t help but gush, “It must be love!” Fortunately, he refrained from Brent Musberger-Katherine Webb style ogling. Also in attendance during Tuesday night’s game? Jack White, who appeared slightly less suicidal than his recent miserable Cubs game appearance . As for the outcome, the hometown Yankees prevailed 2-1 Monday. Verlander, who pitches tomorrow, was the big winner, however: 25 Hottest Kate Upton GIFs 1. Working Her Abs Look at her work those abs. Yes, we are staring only at her abs.

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Kate Upton Reacts Adorably to Justin Verlander Baseball Toss: Watch!

Cute Couple Uses #ShareaCoke Campaign to Announce Pregnancy

Posing for a pregnancy photo by pretending to pump your expecting wife full of air ? That’s weird. Pole dancing while six months pregnant ? Some might say that’s really weird. But lip-syncing to famous voices and using the #ShareaCoke to announce your major news to family, friends and Internet users around the world? That’s nothing short of adorable! See what we mean here: Couple Announces Pregnancy Via #ShareaCoke Campaign AWWW-inspiring, right? Compare this unique pregnancy announcement with other originals ways various couples across the World Wide Web have broken their big news:  13 Creative Pregnancy Announcements 1. We’re Pregnant! This guy seems a little more excited about his impending baby than his wife does. We wonder why.

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Cute Couple Uses #ShareaCoke Campaign to Announce Pregnancy