Tag Archives: failures

Sophie Turner Ass for Twitter of the Day

Sophie Turner is the most ridiculous kind of lawyer who behaves in the most ridiculous and unprofessional way…..and it is all because she didn’t want to be a lawyer….even though she was a lawyer…she instead decided to be a low grade model….doing all she could to get noticed…and it worked a little….it just took a decade before she realized that law was a better option….so she went back to school but is still doing this shit….for attention for the dozen fans she collected over the years….because despite being a lawyer, law represents her failures…. The real issue in all this is why I know this much about her….when I should just be staring at her ass for twitter….

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Sophie Turner Ass for Twitter of the Day

Lindsay Lohan’s Dyke Lover Has a New Pussy of the Day

I have issues with Lindsay Lohan, soon to be just “Lindsay”, cuz she’s disassociating from her woman beating father by dropping his last name, good hustle idiot… Those issues are really just one issue and that is that we were friendly, she used to text me everyday, but her stupid lesbian, unattractive, opportunist cunt who was literally riding her to the top, turned on me cuz I made fun of her, and I guess wanted to show me who the boss of Lohan was….or maybe it had nothing to do with that…but I know that on some level she ruined my chances of being Lohan, soon to be just Lindsay’s purse carrying friend who follows her around everywhere she goes. Instead, Lohan unfollowed me on Twitter, changed her number, went to rehab and now has nothing to do with me. She had Lohan, soon to be jus Lindsay in her back pocket. She’d throw her around and get her to do anything she wanted, while having these blow-out fights, I’d somehow always end up being involved in and the whole thing was boring two years when it went down, probably more boring to read now…it was the glory days motherfuckers…. I’m just trying to say she’s a manipulative cunt with no talent who ruined Lohan soon to be Lindsay, and now she’s onto new pussy, who I can assume is going to be famous soon, which may not be news to anyone, cuz most of the world doesn’t know who she is, but it is just proof that Lohan soon to be Lindsay should have stuck it out with me…cuz I got nothing going on and would have been happy just sniffing her dirty panties all day…with no drama… Either way, I hate Lindsay Lohan’s manly dyke who brain washed her into UNFOLLOWING ME …. -To See The Make Out Pic – If you care about ugly dykes crying for attention – Follow This Link

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Lindsay Lohan’s Dyke Lover Has a New Pussy of the Day

Eva Longoria is an Idiot of the Day

It amazes me how stupid a bitch can be. Like she must have been real smitten with her ex husband Tony Parker’s cock. That motherfucker must have owned her meaty Mexi pussy. Cuz to get a wrist tattoo to profess your love, before being cheated on, or realizing you actually hate the motherfucker when you have to spend more than 5 minutes not fucking the motherfucker, is fucking hilarious… It’s almost unstable and creepy, like bitch decides “I’m so in love, I’ll throw all logic out the window, cuz I’m a chick and I have no logic, strictly emotions, and I happen to be about to get my period, making me way more insane than before, so I won’t think about this tattoo idea for more than a minute, and I’ll blazen the shit on me in a visible place, not even on my pussy where only people I fuck get to see my failures when the whole thing goes to shit, but on my fucking wrist for the world to see cuz I’m insane and this wrist tattoo will show him I’m not obsessive, creepy and weird at all….kinda thing. Now she’s rockin’ some tattoo removal tatto on her wrist…scars to represent one of the dumber moments in her life…I mean other than getting into a failed marriage in the first place… FOLLOW ME

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Eva Longoria is an Idiot of the Day

Jennifer Aniston’s Dried Up Uterus Turns 42 of the Day

I always like celebrating Jennifer Aniston birthdays cuz it’s always one day closer to her hitting menopause and missing out on the chance of reproducing. Sure she can always adopt a kid going into her 50s, but it’s never the same as having your own, if it was, adopted kids wouldnt be so fucked up. It’s a you snooze you lose, you fucking egotistical cunt who thinks you are hotter than you are cuz Brad Pitt married you, situation that brings me great pleasure in every break-up her self absorbed, unrealistically high standard, probably very high maintenance ass has…I can just tell she thinks she’s god’s gift to the fucking world…so her failures bring joy. Happy Birthday….RIP Uterus…the circle of life or some shit…keeping everything balanced except maybe her emotions.. Keep pushing up them tits – it’ll lure the baby daddy’s in as effectively as it did before…GOOD TIMES….

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Jennifer Aniston’s Dried Up Uterus Turns 42 of the Day

Movieline Recasts the Failed Summer Blockbusters

The L.A. Times goes overboard with its Inception coverage today , putting the Warner Bros. release on the front page of the business section with a story about how its box-office success is anything but a slam dunk. (Hmm, where have I read that before?) Cited amongst the reasons is the iffy starpower of Leonardo DiCaprio when compared with other A-listers like Will Smith and Brad Pitt. And, as it turns out, both of those actors were considered to lead Inception before DiCaprio signed on. If only! Why not apply this interesting production footnote to the other would-be blockbusters released already this summer? It’s time to recast the failures!

Originally posted here:
Movieline Recasts the Failed Summer Blockbusters