Rihanna’s mullet is pretty fucking funny, shit reminds me of some white trash who probably would have tied up a bitch like Rihanna to the back of her pick-up truck and drive her around their trailer park… But her dick purse…she’s pretending to jerk off like she was 16 and back in Barbados trying to get famous hooking for music producers that made her the robot popstar billionaire she is…but I prefer my dick pics when they are normal looking girls… shoving them down their throat
Courtney Love brought her big ass crackhead titties out to some fashion week party…where no nipples were thrown out for the audience to cheer at…but where I am sure at least one person got AIDS for getting to close to the MIC after her crackwhore ass was done with it… I am sure Courtney Love is a lovely person, from Killing off her husband for fame and fortune, to really showing other crackwhores that if you find the right punk in a band, you can turn that life from the meth lab trailer park…into luxury… But fuck she’s disgusting, even though I’d love to sniff her dirty panties, in a Hazmat suit, just to see what she’s all about… But I am a sick fucking person… Pics via click here
I have issues with Lindsay Lohan, soon to be just “Lindsay”, cuz she’s disassociating from her woman beating father by dropping his last name, good hustle idiot… Those issues are really just one issue and that is that we were friendly, she used to text me everyday, but her stupid lesbian, unattractive, opportunist cunt who was literally riding her to the top, turned on me cuz I made fun of her, and I guess wanted to show me who the boss of Lohan was….or maybe it had nothing to do with that…but I know that on some level she ruined my chances of being Lohan, soon to be just Lindsay’s purse carrying friend who follows her around everywhere she goes. Instead, Lohan unfollowed me on Twitter, changed her number, went to rehab and now has nothing to do with me. She had Lohan, soon to be jus Lindsay in her back pocket. She’d throw her around and get her to do anything she wanted, while having these blow-out fights, I’d somehow always end up being involved in and the whole thing was boring two years when it went down, probably more boring to read now…it was the glory days motherfuckers…. I’m just trying to say she’s a manipulative cunt with no talent who ruined Lohan soon to be Lindsay, and now she’s onto new pussy, who I can assume is going to be famous soon, which may not be news to anyone, cuz most of the world doesn’t know who she is, but it is just proof that Lohan soon to be Lindsay should have stuck it out with me…cuz I got nothing going on and would have been happy just sniffing her dirty panties all day…with no drama… Either way, I hate Lindsay Lohan’s manly dyke who brain washed her into UNFOLLOWING ME …. -To See The Make Out Pic – If you care about ugly dykes crying for attention – Follow This Link
Looks like Taylor Momsen’s too popular for her own good and now she’s been given her own perfume, and based on the condition of her teenage whore pussy, at least that’s what she wants us to think about her, because she’s cheesy as fuck like that, and I like to believe that there’s no way she’s doesn’t use that thing like a pair of shoes you’d pick up at the Salvation Army, you know the kind of fuckin’ perfume you want wash off as soon as you put it on becuase it smells like cum, shit and dirty panties….which I guess means it’ll be huge in Germany…I don’t know what I am talking about I just know this post is pretty fucking obvious….but really what the fuck do you expect…just look at the pics….and shut the fuck up…. Pics via Fame