Tag Archives: fair-hometown

A Ticket For The Drama

I don't care what country you are in, this type of reaction to getting a ticket from the police is not going to help you at all. (lower your speaker volume a bit to keep your eardrums from bursting). Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Octopus Makes Coconut Armor

According to scientists, this is the first instance of tool use in an invertebrate, in this case as a form or portable armor. Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

Joleen Baughman

CULTURE BUZZ : A traffic accident two years ago injured a nerve in Joleen Baugman's pelvis causing her to crave sex 24 hours a day. Her husband of 20 years has been unable to satisfy the symptoms of the medical condition known as “Restless Genital Syndrome” or “Persistent Sexual Arousal.” Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment

The Worst Rapper Ever?

He gives my fair hometown of Melbourne a bad rap (excuse the pun). [ Ed Note : World, meet R….A….E…2..THE MOTHER FUCKEN …D.

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The Worst Rapper Ever?