Out of pocket … Man Drives Two Trucks And An ATV Drunk A Vermont man was recently arrested after authorities say he got drunk and ran his pickup trunk off the road before going home to get his other pickup to try to retrieve it. He then drove off the road again in the second truck before returning home to get his ATV to attempt to retrieve the second truck. VT State Police reports: On 11/30/14, at approximately 2036 hours, State Police responded to Bunker Hill Rd in Pomfret to assist the Pomfret Constable with two vehicles that were off the road. During the course of that investigation, it was discovered that Dwayne Fenlason drove his pickup truck off Bunker Hill Rd and went home to get his other pickup truck to pull out his truck. Fenlason then drove off the road again with his second truck while he was enroute to the truck he drove off the road originally. Subsequently, Fenlason returned home to retrieve his ATV which he drove on the road and attempted to pull out his truck. Further investigation revealed that Fenlason was under the influence of intoxicants. Fenlason was arrested for driving under the influence and provided a preliminary breath sample of .300 % BAC at 2130 hours. Fenlason was transported to the Randolph Police Department for processing and released on a citation. SMH…this guy was obviously WASTED. Good thing he didn’t hurt anyone during his drunk driving randomness.
See original here:
You Big Dummy: Slizzard Vermont Man Arrested For Driving Three Vehicles Drunk In One Night