Tag Archives: family-settled

Distressed Hurricane Harvey Survivor Goes Off On CNN Reporter For Using Victims’ Pain For Ratings In The Middle Of Crisis [Video]

CNN correspondent Rosa Flores asked a woman by the name of Danielle about her experience protecting her children in the flood waters just moments after she arrived at the shelter. To provide context, this was after waiting for 36 hours for help from emergency services which never came, forcing this woman to wade through 4-feet of contaminated flood runoff to a nearby gas station to hail a cab to the help center. SMH. This mother has been through the ringer with her two kids, and clearly wasn’t feeling being asked about her situation before having a chance to get her family settled in. Her frustration is pretty understandable. Twitter/Getty

See original here:
Distressed Hurricane Harvey Survivor Goes Off On CNN Reporter For Using Victims’ Pain For Ratings In The Middle Of Crisis [Video]