Tag Archives: the-medication

Tweaker White Woman To Neighbors After Cops Wont Arrest Them “Fat Mexican B**ches!” [Video]

(GETTY) What are these women drinking nowadays? Is it the medication making white women go off on racist rants? Well, in this case, it might be the meth. LOL

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Tweaker White Woman To Neighbors After Cops Wont Arrest Them “Fat Mexican B**ches!” [Video]

LMAO: When The Dentist Medication Brings Out Your Inner Dance Diva

Source: PeopleImages / Getty If you’ve ever had your wisdom teeth pulled, you know the medication they give you can make you feel loose and free. And if you’re accompanied by a family member who loves a good laugh, expect a video of your post-operation feels to be up online at any moment. One father couldn’t help but document his 17-year-old daughter’s experience with the dentist medication. Her inner diva came out for an entertaining episode. Check out the hilarious clip for yourself below!

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LMAO: When The Dentist Medication Brings Out Your Inner Dance Diva

LMAO: When The Dentist Medication Brings Out Your Inner Dance Diva

Source: PeopleImages / Getty If you’ve ever had your wisdom teeth pulled, you know the medication they give you can make you feel loose and free. And if you’re accompanied by a family member who loves a good laugh, expect a video of your post-operation feels to be up online at any moment. One father couldn’t help but document his 17-year-old daughter’s experience with the dentist medication. Her inner diva came out for an entertaining episode. Check out the hilarious clip for yourself below!

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LMAO: When The Dentist Medication Brings Out Your Inner Dance Diva

Distressed Hurricane Harvey Survivor Goes Off On CNN Reporter For Using Victims’ Pain For Ratings In The Middle Of Crisis [Video]

CNN correspondent Rosa Flores asked a woman by the name of Danielle about her experience protecting her children in the flood waters just moments after she arrived at the shelter. To provide context, this was after waiting for 36 hours for help from emergency services which never came, forcing this woman to wade through 4-feet of contaminated flood runoff to a nearby gas station to hail a cab to the help center. SMH. This mother has been through the ringer with her two kids, and clearly wasn’t feeling being asked about her situation before having a chance to get her family settled in. Her frustration is pretty understandable. Twitter/Getty

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Distressed Hurricane Harvey Survivor Goes Off On CNN Reporter For Using Victims’ Pain For Ratings In The Middle Of Crisis [Video]

Backpedaling Becky: “Bachelor In Paradise” Corinne Olympios Now Says She Was NOT A Victim Of Sexual Misconduct

Corinne Olympios Admits DeMario Jackson Did Not Victimize Her Corinne Olympios’ claims that she was too drunk to consent to a sexual act she engaged in with DeMario Jackson — in an open space, in front of reality TV cameras — got production of “Bachelor in Paradise” shut down for six weeks earlier this year. At the time, she claimed she was a victim in those exact terms. But now, she says that wasn’t the case. During an interview with Good Morning America today, she spoke out about the incident for the first time, and said that the only thing she was a victim to was the media’s perception of her. …OK. If you’ll recall, Warner Brothers did a full investigation of the incident and came to the conclusion that no sexual misconduct went on between Corinne and DeMario. Corinne says she still “remembers nothing from the situation,” But ultimately, she owns that she should have kept her wits about her so she wouldn’t even have room to question what happened that night. “I did drink too much. I definitely understand that, but I was also on a medication that severely blacks you out and impairs your judgment, messes with your balance … I didn’t know that you were supposed to not drink on [the medication]. It really just caused a horrible, horrible blackout. It was like I went under anesthesia and then just woke up.” But if you KNOW your medication takes you down sometimes…WHY would you mix it with alcohol in house full of strangers and cameras?? WENN/Getty

Backpedaling Becky: “Bachelor In Paradise” Corinne Olympios Now Says She Was NOT A Victim Of Sexual Misconduct

Cops Seek Missing Meds in Brittany Murphy Case

Brittany Murphy had a lot of drugs in her system when she died in December. Her death has been ruled an accident, but several questions about it linger. The actress obtained a prescription for 120 hydrocodone (Vicodin) pills 11 days before her death, but on the day she died, there were only 11 pills left. Suspicious, no? Moreover, the L.A. County Coroner’s Office cannot locate the doctor who prescribed the pills and are currently on the hunt to find him. According to the Coroner’s report, the medication prescribed specifically to the fallen star were supposed to be taken a maximum of four times a day. But since 109 of the pills were missing from the bottle when she died, only 44 should have been gone if Brittany had maxed out on the prescription. R.I.P. The late Brittany Murphy last year. [Photos: PacificCoastNewsOnline.com] Brittany’s husband, Simon Monjack, says he is vindicated by the accidental death findings, but officials want to know why so many pills were prescribed at all. A member of the Coroner’s Office recently went to Simon Monjack to assist them in locating the doctor who prescribed the meds, but he was not any help. The cause of Murphy’s death is listed as “accidental” – the result of pneumonia, prescription and over-the-counter drugs – but is still far from a closed case.

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Cops Seek Missing Meds in Brittany Murphy Case