Jordan Murphy is a chef who lives in England. But that’s not what the 21-year old is now known as on the Internet. He’s known as The Idiot Who Didn’t Just Get a Donald Trump Tattoo on His Leg, But the Idiot Who Got a Donald Trump PUSSY Tattoo on His Leg. He looks pretty normal, right? But Murphy told The Sun that he thought it would be a “fun” idea to pay 40 pounds (about 50 U.S. dollars) in order to get a giant etching of the President of the United States on his leg. He wasn’t content with a mere drawing that resembled Trump, however. Murphy decided on a version of Trump’s face… … Along with the words ” Grab Her By The Pussy ,” which Trump, of course, uttered to Billy Bush in a recording from 2005 that went viral this fall and somehow did NOT lead to the end of his candidacy. What inspired this idea? Murphy says he saw the drawing (by friend and tattoo artist Luke Beddows) and simply had to have it on his person. “It’s just a bit of fun. People generally find it hilarious,” Murphy explains to The Sun . “I know it’s controversial, but it doesn’t mean I agree with his views.” We guess it doesn’t have to mean that, no. But have fun making this clear to everyone who sees your leg. For the rest of your life. “I also have a pig’s head on me, but that doesn’t make me a Satanist. I just think the art is really cool,” Murphy, who has over 10 tattoos across his body, added. However, while Jordan is apparently cool with this Trump quote and likeness, someone pretty close to his heart has a problem with it. “My fiancée hates it, though,” he says. “When I saw Luke’s drawing and said I was thinking about getting it, she told me not to do it. At first I told her it was a lot smaller than it actually is, so when she saw it for real she was fuming.” As far as we know, the wedding is still on, despite this disagreement. How have friends reacted? They’re pretty “laid back” about the tattoo, Murphy says, while Beddows tells the newspaper that he purposely gave Trump a double-chin to make the drawing “stand out.” We’re pretty sure it would have stood out regardless. But whatever. Like Beddows himself said to The Sun, to “each [his] own.” View Slideshow: 21 Wild and Totally Crazy Tattoos People Somehow Have on Them
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Man Gets Donald Trump "Pussy" Tattoo, Fiancee Hates It